Adding the Governance as multisig signer


With what just happened, I think that it would be useful to have the actual governance contract as one of the signer on the multisig fund.

So we could have a 4/6 multisig instead of a 4/5, if ever something happens to 2 signers, we could still be able to manage the community fund.

Example today:

2 of the 5 signers are unavailable for example on our 4/5 multisig.
-> Only 3 signers left, so the multisig would be useless, as we need 4 signatures.

Example if we add actual governance as a signer (so switching to a 4/6 multisig)

2 of the 6 signers are unavailable for example
-> 4 signers left, multisig is OK as we need 4 signatures.

As it is very important, we need to move on fast on this subject. I will make a snapshot vote today so you guys can vote on it during 3 days.

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Snapshot vote: Snapshot

Proposal to use a more efficient optimistic governer system that still uses Gnosis safes but allows the execution of transactions to be decentralised and not orchestrated by the multi-sig. The system will still use snapshots to pass votes but have the execution of the transaction be submitted and verified optimistically. An example of this is the Zodiac module from Gnosis Safe.