What is it like to work with GenZ developers (and the other way round)?

Hey 👋 this is Gergely, author of The Pragmatic Engineer (https://pragmaticengineer.com). I'm researching the topic of what it’s like to work with the latest generation of software engineers entering the workforce – also referred to as ‘GenZ.’ And what this generation thinks of the "older" generations.

I'll share the final report/article with those providing input: expected to be published around early April 2023, in The Pragmatic Engineer.

If you're working in tech born at or before 1996 and work with younger devs (thus you don't belong to 'GenZ;): please take this survey on your observations working with 'GenZ.'

If you're a developer in tech born at or after 1997 (thus belong to 'GenZ:): please take this survey on what it's like to work with the "older" generation at work.

Thank you for your help!