The Rees and Everyone's Tiffany offer free improv classes in November

Andrew S. Hughes
South Bend Tribune

PLYMOUTH — Everyone’s Tiffany presents a four-week improv class beginning Nov. 4 at The Rees Theatre, 100 N. Michigan St.

Designed for teens and adults, the four two-hour class sessions are open and no experience necessary. Classes begin at 10 a.m. each Saturday in November.

Attendees will be introduced to the basics of improvisation and given a chance to improve many skills, including teamwork, creativity, spontaneity, adaptability and public speaking.

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Attendees will then demonstrate the skills they learn in a comedy performance on at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 2.

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Class admission is free, but registration is required at the theater’s website: reestheatre.com.

For more information, email reesevents2023@gmail.com.