One Small Piece of Code, One Giant Leap for Web3!

Gregory Luneau
Astar Network
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2023


Astar brings Web3 Wallet Integration to any project coded in JavaScript

Imagine you’re building a Web 2.0 application and thinking to yourself: “I should be building for Web3,” but are worried about sinking time into development of a user interface (UI) for the management of accounts and wallets, and the steep learning curve commonly associated with building and deploying code that’s compatible with blockchain. Well, worry no more, your time has come, and there’s never been a better time to build for Web3!

Simple UI to the wallet and chains of a dApp

Why Build for Web3?

Web3 is built on decentralized systems, which means that there is no single point of failure or control, and is designed to grant users sovereignty over their digital assets, data, and online identities.

Building with Web3 technology can help secure your applications and make them more transparent, which are highly attractive features to those who would like alternatives to the geographically distributed, but still centralized Web 2.0 platforms we all know, that are prone to censorship and control by arbitrary influences.

Building for Web3 today will give you significant advantages over your Web 2.0-focused colleagues, especially now as the the dawn of the era of blockchain interoperability is upon us, and uniting ecosystems using common platforms, frameworks, and protocols that most developers will know how to code for already, such as the Wasm Virtual Machine, developed by Astar Network, that allows for universal programming language support, and bridges the divide between Web2 and Web3 applications, a topic you may wish to explore in greater detail after you familiarize yourself with Web3 tooling such as explained in this article, which will help you started.

By adding the following code to your project, you will instantly add the ability to interact with browser-based wallets like Metamask and others that use Wallet Connect, and hardware wallets like Ledger & Trezor to your site, which can then be used to facilitate Web3 logins, token transfers, and even add support for NFTs!

Clicked and Expended UI to change wallet or chain.

Easy to use, Easy to Integrate Web3 Account Management:

Now, with just a few lines of code, shown below, you can integrate a fully featured wallet selector and account management tool, right within your application, making it instantly Web3 compatible.

And that’s it! You can now focus on developing your main application’s functionality, and enhancing the user experience with Web3 technologies! Check out some of our builder’s guides if you’d like to jump right into smart contract deployment, which you will now be able to interface with your website front-end, and allow your users to interact with them, as well.´

Why build on Astar EVM?

There are many reasons to deploy on Astar EVM vs. other smart contract platforms, such as flexibility and low cost, but the ability for developers to earn income while building and maintaining their dApps is often most attractive.

While building on Astar Network, developers are able to take advantage of an innovative built-in feature called dApp Staking, an integral part of ecosystem bootstrapping initiatives such as the Build2Earn program.

Get Started Building for Web3 Today!

To learn more on how to interact with our EVMs, check out our web3-onboard documentation.

You can also play around with the sample code on replit.

Pro tip: You can start your dev own node, and deploy smart contracts to test your UI using the following:

wget $(curl -s | grep “tag_name” | awk ‘{print “" substr($2, 2, length($2)-3) “/astar-collator-v” substr($2, 3, length($2)-4) “-ubuntu-x86_64.tar.gz”}’)

tar -xvf astar-collator*.tar.gz

./astar-collator — port 30333 — ws-port 9944 — rpc-port 8545 — rpc-cors all — alice — dev

Use this site to interact with your node:

And let loose with your favorite EVM tooling to deploy contracts or use:

Astar world's a stage and we are all deployers!

About Astar Network

The Future of Multichain Smart Contracts

Astar Network supports the building of dApps with EVM and Wasm smart contracts and offers developers true interoperability with cross-consensus messaging (XCM) and a cross-virtual machine (XVM). Astar’s unique Build2Earn model empowers developers to receive basic income through a dApp staking mechanism for their code and the dApps they build.

Astar’s vibrant ecosystem has become Polkadot’s leading Parachain globally, supported by major exchanges and tier 1 VCs. Astar offers the flexibility of all Ethereum and Wasm toolings for developers to start building their dApps. To accelerate growth on Polkadot and Kusama Networks, Astar SpaceLabs offers an Incubation Hub for teams of all backgrounds and focuses.

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