Who is the aligned council of australia?

Aligned Council of Australia

Member Organisations
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The Aligned Council of Australia (ACA) is a collective of over 37 Australian organisations with over a million members and growing. ACA began in February 2024 following a large cohort of the groups you see here coming together to call for a full analysis and accountability of the public health response since 2020 via a Covid 19 Royal Commission.   

Today, we live in a very different Australia to the one we knew in 2019. The education of our children is becoming more and more complicated, our medical system is at breaking point, and cost of living concerns now impact most Australians.

The ACA is an initiative of aligned every day Australians including lawyers, doctors, accountants, professors, emergency services personnel, community leaders, business owners, and individuals to bring awareness to deeply concerning proposals being put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the name of the next ‘pandemic’. 

What’s proposed by the WHO and about to be voted on by Australia contradicts fundamental democratic rights, basic human freedoms and calls into question Australia’s ability to function as an autonomous sovereign nation, one entitled to make its own decisions.


The WHO is currently preparing two treaty documents that reform the rules around how countries respond to pandemics and ‘potential health emergencies’,  all in the name of health and future pandemics. These treaty reforms are being drafted under urgency, behind closed doors, by unelected officials. The two treaties will hand the WHO the authority to make binding directions on how a country is required to respond to a potential public health emergency (not necessarily an actual one). Read more about the WHO and what they’re up to here.


Our role as a Council is to:

  • come together, in numbers,
  • get informed, to share with each other what we are doing,
  • coordinate our amazing individual and collective efforts.

We will do this by:

  • working together,
  • active engagement with local Members of Parliament,
  • working with media,
  • hosting events,
  • bringing together the community.

Time is of the essence, and we are all so few. But together we are STRONG, Together we are MIGHTY. By working together we can ensure that our efforts are united and we can do what is necessary: Australia must reject the WHO’s pandemic treaties.

Take action now.

If you are an organisation, media outlet or individual operating in Australia and share our values and would like to know more about the Aligned Council of Australia, please contact us by clicking below.