Bill Information > HB 1163
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HB 1163 - 2025-26
Enhancing requirements relating to the purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms.
Companion Bill: SB 5140
Bill History
Jan 6
Prefiled for introduction.
Jan 13
First reading, referred to Civil Rights & Judiciary.
(View Original Bill)
Jan 21
Public hearing in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary at 10:30 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Jan 31
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary at 10:30 AM.
(Committee Materials)
CRJ - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 1st Substitute)
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Feb 4
Referred to Appropriations.
Feb 24
Public hearing in the House Committee on Appropriations at 1:30 PM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 27
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Appropriations at 9:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
APP - Majority; 2nd substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 2nd Substitute)
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Feb 28
Referred to Rules 2 Review.
Mar 4
Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
Mar 7
2nd substitute bill substituted (APP 25).
(View 2nd Substitute)
Mar 8
Floor amendment(s) adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 58; nays, 38; absent, 0; excused, 2.
(View 1st Engrossed)
(View Roll Calls)
Mar 11
First reading, referred to Law & Justice.
Mar 25
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Mar 27
Scheduled for executive session in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice at 10:30 AM (Subject to change).
(Committee Materials)
Available Documents
For a complete list of documents, go to Online Reports Text of a Legislative Document.
Fiscal Note
Amendment Name | Num | Sponsor | Type | Description | Action |
1163-S2 AMH ABBA ADAM 178 | 275 | Abbarno | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 37 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ABEL ADAM 179 | 284 | Abell | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 24 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ABEL ADAM 211 | 267 | Abell | Floor | Pg 27 Ln 3 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ABEL ADAM 212 | 266 | Abell | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 10 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH BARN ADAM 180 | 287 | Barnard | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 24 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH BURN ADAM 184 | 279 | Burnett | Floor | Pg 4 Ln 31 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH BURN ADAM 191 | 278 | Burnett | Floor | Pg 22 Ln 18 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH CHAS ADAM 185 | 303 | Chase | Floor | Pg 4 Ln 31 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH CONN ADAM 181 | 260 | Connors | Floor | Pg 1 Ln 20 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH COUT ADAM 194 | 281 | Couture | Floor | Pg 26 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH DENT ADAM 174 | 289 | Dent | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 1 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH DUFA ADAM 166 | 302 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 3 Ln 11 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ENGE ADAM 214 | 262 | Engell | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 10 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ENGE ADAM 215 | 263 | Engell | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 10 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH GRAH ADAM 168 | 297 | Graham | Floor | Pg 5 Ln 4 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH GRIF ADAM 162 | 261 | Griffey | Floor | Pg 1 Ln 18 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH JACO ADAM 177 | 288 | Jacobsen | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 18 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH JACO ADAM 196 | 277 | Jacobsen | Floor | Pg 34 Ln 23 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH JACO ADAM 213 | 211 | Jacobsen | Floor | Pg 39 Ln 24 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH KEAT ADAM 170 | 298 | Keaton | Floor | Pg 5 Ln 30 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH KLIC ADAM 176 | 290 | Klicker | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH LEYJ ADAM 172 | 293 | Ley | Floor | Pg 4 Ln 30 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MANJ ADAM 173 | 294 | Manjarrez | Floor | Pg 6 Ln 23 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MARS ADAM 167 | 299 | Marshall | Floor | Pg 4 Ln 24 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MARS ADAM 187 | 292 | Marshall | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 28 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MARS BAKY 409 | 264 | Marshall | Floor | Pg 39 Ln 26 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MCEN ADAM 163 | 296 | McEntire | Floor | Pg 1 Ln 20 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ORCU ADAM 217 | 276 | Orcutt | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 26 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH PENN ADAM 175 | 291 | Penner | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 13 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH SCHM ADAM 169 | 268 | Schmidt | Floor | Pg 5 Ln 21 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH SCHM ADAM 199 | 270 | Schmidt | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH SHMK ADAM 171 | 295 | Schmick | Floor | Pg 5 Ln 34 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH STUE ADAM 206 | 269 | Stuebe | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 10 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH VOLZ ADAM 164 | 301 | Volz | Floor | Pg 2 Ln 20 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH WALJ ADAM 193 | 272 | Walsh | Floor | Pg 25 Ln 32 | ADOPTED 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH WALJ ADAM 198 | 271 | Walsh | Floor | Pg 36 Ln 33 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH WATE ADAM 165 | 300 | Waters | Floor | Pg 3 Ln 2 | WITHDRAWN 03/07/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH BARK ADAM 190 | 283 | Barkis | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 33 | WITHDRAWN 03/08/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH COUT ADAM 183 | 286 | Couture | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 1 | NOT ADOPTED 03/08/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH COUT ADAM 189 | 285 | Couture | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 33 | WITHDRAWN 03/08/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH ESLI ADAM 182 | 274 | Eslick | Floor | Pg 9 Ln 24 | NOT ADOPTED 03/08/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MARS ADAM 195 | 280 | Marshall | Floor | Pg 27 Ln 4 | NOT ADOPTED 03/08/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH MEND ADAM 192 | 282 | Mendoza | Floor | Pg 25 Ln 3 | NOT ADOPTED 03/08/2025 |
1163-S2 AMH WALJ ADAM 197 | 273 | Walsh | Floor | Pg 35 Ln 11 | NOT ADOPTED 03/08/2025 |
Available Videos
(Video links take you to the TVW website)
Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.
Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.