Republicans’ Key ‘Whistleblower’ Indicted For ‘Working to Advance the Interests Of China’

Gal Luft

New York Post

The whistleblower Republicans said would expose the alleged corruption of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden has been indicted on eight counts.

Gal Luft, who is the co-director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security think tank in Washington, D.C., was indicted in the U.S. Southern District of New York. The indictment was unsealed on Monday.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement:

As alleged, Gal Luft, a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and co-head of a Maryland think tank, engaged in multiple, serious criminal schemes. He subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official; he acted as a broker in deals for dangerous weapons and Iranian oil; and he told multiple lies about his crimes to law enforcement. As the charges unsealed today reflect, our Office will continue to work vigorously with our law enforcement partners to detect and hold accountable those who surreptitiously attempt to perpetrate malign foreign influence campaigns here in the United States.

Luft was initially arrested in Cyprus in February before skipping bail and going on the lam. He remains a fugitive.

Congressional Republicans who said they spoke with Luft about the business dealings of the Biden family told members of the press that he had gone “missing.”

“Well, we’re hopeful that we can find the informant,” Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said in May. “Remember, these informants are kind of in the spy business, so they don’t make a habit of being seen a lot or being high profile or anything like that.”

Luft has alleged that the Bidens received money from a Chinese energy conglomerate with ties to the Chinese government. He released a video on July 5 outlining his allegations against the First Family.

The eight counts Luft faces are: conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act; conspiracy to violate the Arms Export Control Act; violation of the Arms Export Control Act (relating to Libya); violation of the Arms Export Control Act (relating to the United Arab Emirates); violation of the Arms Export Control Act (relating to Kenya); making false statements; conspiracy to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act; and an additional count of making false statements.

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Mike is a Mediaite senior editor who covers the news in primetime.