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Hinson voted against bipartisan bills
Leon Schmidt
Jul. 10, 2022 6:00 am
Did you know?
Out of 65 bills proposed in the House of Representatives through the end of April, Ashley Hinson voted against 53 of them. Thirty-seven had bipartisan support, such as the Affordable Insulin Now Act, Violence Against Women Act, among other bills of direct benefit to Iowans.
Hinson voted against the Invest in America Act last November stating it was socialism. The bill passed. Then she took credit for it in January when the Corp of Engineers allocated $829 million dollars from that bill to modernize the lock and dam system on the upper Mississippi.
More recently Hinson voted against the Protecting Our Kids Act regarding steps toward improved gun safety. She has voted for some important bills such as naming post office buildings.
We need a representative who represents us. Liz Mathis always has our back. Be sure to vote.
Leon Schmidt
Cedar Rapids
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