UK approves new nuclear power plant in eastern England

The British government approved the Sizewell C nuclear power station, to be built by France's EDF and China's CGN.

Le Monde

Published on July 20, 2022, at 2:33 pm (Paris), updated on July 20, 2022, at 4:32 pm

1 min read

The UK government gave the go-ahead for the new Sizewell C nuclear power station in eastern England on Wednesday, July 20, saying will generate low-carbon electricity for six million homes.

The government hopes the construction of the 3,200 MWe plant will help achieve its target of Britain becoming a net zero carbon emitter by 2050. Ministers announced in January that the government will invest another 100 million pounds sterling to help support development of the project. The extra cash is also aimed at attracting new partners to Sizewell C, which is led by French energy giant EDF and located on the Suffolk coast.

EDF owns 80% of the project and China's state-owned nuclear firm CGN holds the remainder. The government began talks with EDF over the project last year, amid reports that China could be ousted due to chilling relations between London and Beijing. CGN is also working alongside EDF in the construction of Hinkley Point, in southwest England, in Britain's first new nuclear power plant in more than two decades.

Britain has already allotted 1.7 billion pounds of funding for the development of a large-scale nuclear project, with a final investment decision due by 2024. Construction is expected to take between nine and 12 years.

Britain has a total of 15 nuclear reactors at eight sites around the country, but many of them are now approaching the end of their lifespan. Outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised to build a new nuclear reactor every year, including large and smaller "modular" plants, as part of a wider decarbonisation strategy.

Environmental campaign group Greenpeace criticized the announcement. "Sizewell C represents all that's been wrong about energy policy," said Greenpeace UK chief scientist Doug Parr.

But unions welcomed the move, while demanding more clarity about the project's funding. "Sizewell C is essential for meeting our energy challenges. This is a vital step forward for energy security and net zero," said Charlotte Childs, National Officer with general trade union GMB.

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