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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  June 26, 2022 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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trying to have the best time. that's our show for this month. thanks for watching. we'll see you next. sean, be good to each other. >> in the biggest week in supreme court history in decades, the court overturns roe v. wade, setting decisions on life back to the states where voters can decide. nation has a new fire storm. and a w issue likely to shift thl landscape. 50 years of precedent undone. demonsators take to the streets, some elated. >> i think it's a celebration not only for children in the womb, t also for women. >> others infuriated.
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>> victory for the sanctity of life. it will save countness innocent children. >> win incursion into the liberties and rights of the people will lead to the next and the next. >> now president biden is vowing swift action and calling for calm. >> keep all protests peaceful. >> we'll discuss how the ruling will affect state law across the country and what it means for the roberts court going forward, and talk with republican senator lindsey graham about the court's moves on abortion, as well as 2nd amendment rights and about his long fight to put conservative judges on the bench. plus, how it all plays in the coming election. we will ask georgia democrat stacey abrams how the ruling could impact her rematch against republican governor brian kemp. then we'll ask our sunday panel how a series of high stakes court rulings could shake up the 2022 election. all right now on fox news sunday.
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hello again from fox news in washington, as the supreme court's monumental decision to overturn roe v. wade sinks in across the country, there's jubilation from those who never thought they would see this day and outrage from those who thought they would never witness this reversal. some clinics close their doors and emotions spill into destruction and tear gas. around 25 people arrested in washington thoughts turn to the election. the decision is just one of the huge signs the three justices nominated by then president trump are having an enormo effect on fights like guns and school choice as well. this as congress pulls off a
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bipartisan gun bill. president biden signing that into law yesterday. in a moment we will breawn the ruling with shannon bream and get reaction from republican senator lindsey graham of the judiciary committee and from democrat stacey abrams who's running for governor in georgia. first we turn to alexandria hof live at the supreme court this morning, where protesters are likely to be gathering later this morning. good morning, alex. >> reporter: good morning. all is quiet but we do expect crowds to return at some point for what will be the third day in a row. the reaction from pro life groups was instaaneous and joyous. moments after the wait of what s lost for abortion vocates hit. 49 years 5 months and 2 days after e roe v. wade decision was handed down, it was undone, alonged with parenthood,
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removing the feral constitutional right to an abortion. majority opinion authored by justice samuel alito reads we overrule those decisions and retu the decision to the people and their elected representatives. wrote, in overrulingoe and casey, this court betrays its guarding principles. 22 states have either already or likely to ban abortion. four more have pending legislation. >> it is my hope that the rest of america will follow oklahoma's lead. >> reporter: virginia governor glenn youngkin announced he will pursue a 15 week ban. but in washington, d.c., 16 other states there will be no reduction in abortion action. according to the pro abortion rights research group, 11 democratic led legislatures moved to expand access in anticipation of the ruling and invitations have been extended.
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>> you come to new york so our providers will take care of you. >> reporter: president biden vowed to stand by the department of justice and guaranteeing a woman's right to travel for an abortion and made a plea friday for the issue to become the corner stone of the midterm elections. >> we need to restore the protections of roe as law of the land. we need to elect officials who will do that. this fall roe is on the ballot. >> i woke up this morning praying for this and i never thought that it would happen. >> reporter: while republican lawmakers celebrated the ruling, many democrats took on a tone of mourning. >> today is one of the darkest days our country has ever seen. >> reporter: some taking to the streets to join protesters. on friday, protesters gathered in front of the home of clarence thomas. earlier this month congress passed a bill expanding 24 hour protection of justices to include their families.
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now, protests have remained peaceful. yesterday two people were taken into custody though after they appeared to pour red paint beyond the security gate behind me. they have so far cleaned it up. martha? >> alex, thank you very much. joining me now shannon bream. shannon, great to ha you with us this morning. we're continuing to get -- i should point out our legal correspondent. you all know and have waftched her throughout the week. tell us the impact of this across the states, shannon. >> they did such a good job touching on this. there were trigger laws that go in both directions across the country. there are those tightening down on restrictions making it nearly impossible to get an abortion in their state. but there are others that did expand in anticipation of what may happen in roe being overturned. i really pressed him on how far
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their law goes. he couldn't give me any limitation up to and through the ninth month of pregnancy. there are places where that will be true across the country. it will be about people choosing to go those states, if that's what they choose. keep in mind with these trigr laws that go in the other directiothat say there is no ability to get an abortion or after 6 weeks, 12, 15, wtever it is. penalts, nearly every one i reviewed, the penalties are never for the woman. it is always for the doctor or medical personnel who help her to try to obtain an aborti. number of states have made it clear they don't want the women themselves to be subject to any criminal penalties >> one of the things that you hear is that it will fall on -- the burden will fall on poor women who cannot travel, who cannot get access, who can't leave their state. what is the remedy for that? is there an accurate remedy for that? >> yeah. we've heard a number of states step up and say, we're gonna make sure we provide options so that our state, which is very
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liberal with their policy, will be an open door for women who need to travel. you heard the governor in new york say we're putting $35 million towards this. $25 million of that is to beef up our clinics, our personnel to make sure they are able to ramp up their ability to see patients. also interestingly enough, $10 million of that money in new york is gonna go to clinic safety for abortion providers. there's nothing in that conversation about security provisions for crisis pregnancy centers who don't offer abortions but offer other options. there are private groups raising money saying if you are angry about this decision, donate here an we will make sure to share this money with women who need to tap into our funds. we have a growing list of private employers who say we will pay for it. dick's sporting goods said we will pay up to $4,000 to reimburse them for travel.
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>> you know, i'm just thinking of something that i heard a lot of over the course of this. i don't know if there's an answer to it. with regard to mailing prescription abortion pills across state lines. do we know whether or not there will be restrictions on that? >> some states have gotten very specific. they've gone tpha far. they talked about not only the inson physical abortions that you would under go as a medical procedure, but all the pharmaceuticals that you could order. this is something the biden administration talked about, too, make sure it can cross state lines. that's going to be the next phase of weeding through this, to see what the different states have done and how that will work across state lines. >> with regard to the other laws out there, same sex marriage, the use of contraception. i'm going to talk a little more about this with senator graham in a moment. but what is your take when you read the opinion on whether or not overturning those is
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possible? >> not on the basis of the reasoning in this case. justice alito was very clear. we are distinguishing away the issue of same sex marriage, raception, otherssues of sexuality this court has weighed in on. nothing in this opinion could be used, none of this reasoning for anything but abortion. we differentiated as a dferent kind of right, because they look at it as involving, quote, potential life. so they say none of this reoning could apply to those. what's getting attention is justice thomas' concurrence where he says, that's true. i agree with thepha jurorty. he signed on to the majority. then he has an added line because he said when it comes to issues of substantive due process, other cases like the contraceptive, same sex marriage cases, we may need to re-examine those in the future at some point. he's saying nothing in this case gets us to that conversation. >> okay. shannon, thank you very much, shannon bream joining us this morning.
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joining us now is republican senator lindsey graham, member of the senate judiciary committee. welcome back to fox news sunday. good to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to start with this. this is the language from justice alito, who wrote this opinion. he said we, therefore, hold that the constitution does not confer a right to abortion. roe and casey must be overruled. and e authority to regulate abortion must be returned to the people and their elected representatives. that was called by one columnist the greatest victory in the history of the conservative movement. it's certainly something you have worked for for a very long time, senator. >> yeah. well, what it does, it takes us back to before 1973. before 1973, the law of the land was that each state can decide the issue of life when life an abortion, what circumstances around having an abortion. all of us in the conservative
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world have believed that there's nothing in the constitution giving the federal government the right to regulate abortion. there's nothing in the constitu constitution that creates a right to an abortion. this was judge made out of cloth law. what this court has done is taken us back to pre1973 where each state can decide through their elected officials when life begins and how to treat life. this is a huge victory for the pro life movement. president trump fought like a tiger to put conservative judges on the court. to get this right, to have a constitutional reset, this was a glorious day. >> i think of you fighting like a tiger over brett kavanaugh's nomination process, which you think you had gone to the word
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disgusting places in terms of what happened there. what's it like for you personally, senator, as you look at this? we have a video of you giving that speech. you sort of grabbed victory from the jaws of defeat. >> well, it's satisfying to know that through the constitutional process, you can make a difference. when roe came out, we didn't burn down the capitol, as conservatives. we didn't go to liberal justices homes and try to intimidate them. the radical left constitutional anachists. they are trying to change the country. they want to abolish the electoral college to california and new york can pick the president in perp taouty. at the end of the da they want to federalize elections, to make sure you have ballot harvesting and do away withoter id. so these constitional anarchist, here's my advice to you. quite trying to burn down america and work in the fields.
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your next guest, one of your . next guests is from georgia. i'm dying to say whashe will say about how she would handle as governor any effort to gulate abortion in state. this was won through the ball lot box by conrvatives and we're not gonna leliberals intimidate the rule of law syem to take it away from us. >> it certainly has lit a fire under politicians on capitol hill, and they're going to use this as an opportunity in the midterms. here's nancy pelosi talking about how she viewed that decision on friday. watch. >> a woman's right to choose, reproductive freedom, is on the ballot in november. we cannot allow them to take charge so that they can institute their goal, which is to criminalize reproductive freedom, to criminalize. >> to criminalize reproductive freedom. you've got very tight senate
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races in arizona, nevada, georgia, new hampshire. this will be a powerful line of debate. >> this will be issues we talk about when we elect senators and members of the state houses and governors. it's not going to change the 2022 outcome. most americans believe that -- i really do believe most americans are comfortable with elected officials making decision about life. let every state do it the way they like. what's going to be onballot fox is $5 gas. you can't walk down the street without being attacked. we have broken borders. this is a big day for the pro life movement. for all of you who have been working for 50 years to elect members of the house and senate and presidents, your day finally arrived. to the left, the way you do this, is to do what we did. take to it the ballot box.
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you don't try to destroy america. these constitutional anarchists like aoc have to be dealt with. there will be a backlash against this effort to intimidate our judges. >> i want to read from justice thomas' concurrence. shannon just mentionedhis. this is getting a loof attention in terms of whether or not this decision leads to other decisions as well. he said in future cases we should reconsider all of the court's substantive due process precedents including griswold, lawrence and overvow are same sex marriage. we have a duty to correct the error established in those precedents. that's gonna send a chill through many moderate voters' minds across the country, senator. >> well, i really respect clarence thomas. they fried to destroy him. theyried to destroy kavanaugh. bush 41 stood by clarence
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thomas. president trump stood by kavanaugh and here we are today. alito i think set thright tone. he said nothing in this decision puts those cases at risk. the ason he decided that roe v. wade was wry decided is because it deals with the potential for life. these other privacy issues like contraception, do not deal with the potential for life. he made a distinction between me s marriage an contraception which i think will win the day over time.
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at the state level, to my friends on the left, you're going to have a fight at the ballot fox. >> you're going to see a of attention paid to elections where people might not have paid attention in the past. but your colleagues in the senate, joe manchin, he's a pro life catholic. he's calling for legislation to codify roe v. wade. murkowski, collins also doing the same. bernie sanders says we must under the filibuster. what do you say to them? >> i don't think joe manchin is gonna turn the senate into the house. he may be disappointed in this decision. if you're pro life, you should embrace this decision. it allows states to determine life, not judges. i don't see susan collins or murkowski changing the rules of the senate. the rules of the senate would require 60 voteso enshrine roe v. wade. unless you blow up the senate,
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that's not gonna happen any time soon. as conservatives you would need 62 votes. you have a full assault on the constitution by the left. they want to do away with electoral college. they want to expand the number of judges on the supreme court to pack it. and now they're pushing bernie sanders to change the rules of the senate. the senate will hold. the 60 vote requirement for legislation will hold. if you left it up to bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, they would blow the senate up to get their way. the constitutional provisions restricting their ability to win, those be damned. we want to change america to get outcomes and conservatives are gonna fight and we're gonna uphold the constitution. i don't think joe manchin or murkowski or collins are gonna blow up the senate because they're disappointed with this court ruling. i don't believe that. i pray they will not. >> i want to end on this note. i know this is something you
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real passionate about, life. you have fought for heart beat laws and pain laws throughout the course of your career. you spent a lot of time in the senate. so did joe biden. he's evolved dramatically. when i think about the things he said on friday about what a somb day friday was and then i want to play for everyone what he said in 2006 about this issue. watch. >> i do not view abortion as a choice and a right i think it's always a tragedy. and i think that it should be i think we should be focusing on how to lim the number of abortions. there ought to be able to have a common ground an consensus to do at. >> where did that joe biden go, senato >> the radicalization of joe biden, the guy that ran and the guy we actually have as president are two different people. he ran as a centrist. he's governing in the most radical way any president
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maybe in modern history. what happened is the radical left has taken over the democratic party. he is going where they're taking him. what do they want to do in light roff this opinion? they want to change the makeup of the court to pack it with additional judges so it will become liberal, not conservative. what do they want to do when it comes to elections? they want to federalize elections, institute ballot harvesting, do away with voter id's. they want to make dc and puerto rico a state. at the end of the day, they're constitutional anarchists in charge of the democratic party. i appreciate president biden saying to the left, don't use violence. what i worry about is this protest going unchecked at judges' homes is giving a green light to there are no rules any more. if we don't watch it, somebody's gonna get killed out here. i am urging merritt garland to start putting people in jail that show up at justices' homes to intimidate them and their family. if we don't reset soon,
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somebody's gonna get killed. do what we did. go to the ballot box. don't burn down the country. >> the attorney general has the law on the books to do exactly that at jues homes. senator, always good to see you. thank you very much, senator lindsey graham, from joining us from columbia, south carolina. next, stacey abrams, who's running for governor in georgia, one of the states that could soon see major changes in the wake of this ruling from the supreme court. she's smiling because her small culinary supply store, titans pans, is up and running. and this, is nfl star derrick henry, accidentally tagging “titans pans,” instead of his loyal fans. which, very unexpectedly, has her business trending. and trending. and trending. and oh my. das internet auf dem telefon. and there goes the internet. good thing maya uses fedex to help prepare for unexpected demand. because you never know what's next. think he's posting about all that ancient roman coinage?
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overturned federally guaranteed access to abortion, states are in the process of governing e issue according to their own laws. in georgia the legislature passed the georgia life law, whicputs in place a ban after six weeks or when a heart beat is detected. it was held up in court until now, but now governor kemp says he believes it will go into effect soon. joining us now georgia democrat stacey abrams who is running against governor kemp this november. ms. abrams, welcome to fox news sunday. good to have you with us. >> thank you for having me >> so with regard to that law, i know that you said you were appalled by the outcome of the court's decision. t given the law that was voted in by the legislature in georgia, do you support the fact that they will carry out the will of the people in georgia and put that law at a six week ban into effect? >> i do not. and i would reject the notion
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that this is the will of the people. this is a political decision made by the narrowist of margins and done to satisfy an even narrower constituency. majority of georgians rejected the notion of overturning roe v. wade. they reject this bill. this is not the law that will be safest for georgia women. what is more concerning to me though is the notion that our constitutional rights and bodily autonomy that women for 50 years have come to rely on will now be subject to state by state rather than being governed by a federal notion that no matter who you are, no matter where you live, we live in the united states an our ability to control our bodies should be sacrisanct. >> we are seeing there will be different limitations based on when people would be able to get an abortion. do you support any limitation on abortion or do you think women should have the right to have an abortion all the way up to nine
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months? >> i believe an abortion is a medical decision. i believe that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman and in consultation with her family. i think the challenge that we have is that we keep putting this in a political space. this is a medical decision. the medical choices that should be made should be governed by what is best for that woman and what is best at the suggestion of and advice of their doctor. >> so you used to be pro life. you say that you then converted to being pro choice. you say it's a medical decision. lot of people would disagree with that. lot of people would say it's a decision about life and respecting life. i want to play this sound bite for you from another woman in leadership. this is virginia lieutenant governor. she's talking in this sound bite about the situation in virginia. i want to get your thoughts on it on the other side. >> 29 states 15,000 plus
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abortions were done. 46% of them were done by black women. now, if the kkk had said we will pay for every black woman to have an abortion who wants one, a minute.say to ourselves, wait something's up. why don't they want us to have our babies. you see we d't understand what's going on. so we're losing so many black lives that matter. >> do you think she has a point, in terms of losing so many black lives that matter? i have heard that sentiment from other pele as well. >> i think that's a an agreement that's used to cloak what is i think a deeply disturbing during my tenure in the atio legislature i beat back a bill design to deny access using race as a tactic. i reject that. black women in georgia face the
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highest maternal mortality rate. they are three times more likely to die. we know black women are the most likely to be under served by their medical care. we know sometimes the choice that they need to make medically, economically and personally is to have an abortion. if she or others want to address the racial dimensions, then we have to discuss all of the racial dimensions. likelihood of black women g under paid. likely of black women living in broken public health infrastructures. the likelihood of them not having access to medicade and not having access to insurance which tends to lead to worse pregnancies and worse outcomes. we cannot cherry pick when we pay attention to the lives and safety of women. that is the deepest challenge that we face here in georgia. >> what about the lives and safety of the child? >> bri kemp refused to expand medicade in the state of georgia. he's refused to support women at
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every stage of their lives when they are trying to make the best choices for themselves and their families. the reality is, if we care about the medical needs of women, especially black women, then we have to care the entire time. >> i'm just asking you when you see -- i asked you if you believe in it all the way up to nine months. you're talking about caring about the lives of women. i'm asking at what point do you start to care about the life of that baby, that baby girl, in some cases? >> what i would say is it is a medical decision. i don't know of a single woman who reaches the stage where this decision is easy. that is not the case. and so this is a medical conversation. while we are absolutely compelled to have these difficult conversations, they should not be political ones. i should not be making decisions without having true understanding of the facts, nor should any other political leader. this is not a political issue.
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it's a medical issue. >> i will take that as up to nine months in some cases depending on the woman, correct. >> that is not what i said. i said this is a medical decision. the medical decisions that have to be made have to be made in context. this is a specius approach. abortion and reproductive care is personal and should be made between a woman and her doctor. i do not have either the what is happening with others. >> okay. i want to move on. we could talk about this a while longer, i'm sure. i want to ask you about this recenteadline in an interview you did. the title is stacey abrams wants to fund the police. what would you say to those who look at that headline and hear you calling for increase for pay to certain law enforcement, that this is election politics and that this is a cnge of
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tune given this sound bite from an interview that you did with cnn that is now part of an ad that your opponent has put out there, i shoulout. let's watch. >> listen to stacey abrams on defunding the police. we have to reallocate resources. so, yes. >> what's your reaction to that? do you believe that you've changed your tune on defunding the police? >> no, because if you listen to the whole clip, which brian kemp conveniently leaves out. i said if the choice is between the murder of black people and serving black people, then certainly. but i don't think that's where we are. i don't think that's where we have to be. my intent is to balance public safety and justice. because doing otherwise has never worked. we cannot punish our way io public safety. we also have to recognize there are deep challenges in how law enforcement engages our community. that is why i'm pushing for public safety measures, accountability measures and
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criminal justice reform measures. i believe most fundamentally, that living wages have to be paid especially to our public worker. especially to law enforcement. in the state of georgia, if you are a correctional officer you made $39,000. if you are a community supervisor, someone who deals with parole. georgia has the highest rate in the nation. you make $39,000. if you are a trooper cadet you make a little over $40,000. >> understood. >> we need to pay a living wage in georgia. that is what my proposal says. living wage to our public ty workers just as i want to pay to our teachers. >> your opponent has also called and implemented for pay raises for members of law enforcement. but that aside, in terms of the defund the police movement, would you say looking back at it, that it caused damage? what we saw was a mass leaving of office of police officers across the country? we saw an increase in homicide
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rates. 19% in atlanta. 55% last year. do you think it was a mistake to defund the police, to have this movement across the country? >> the intention that we had in 2020 was to call attention to the harm that was being done to black people by the police. we have is a litany of murders that shocked the consciences of every american. in the state of georgia, violent crime went up 55% in 2019 to 2020. it had nothing to do with the reaction to george floyd's murder, to breonna taylor's murder. it happened under brian kemp's. it happened under a president and a governor who believed that punishment rather than a balanced approach was the answer. we know that has never worked. we have to have public safety and justice. that's simply the intention that i have. let us invest in our public
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safety workers. let us invest in ming sure that we center the well being of our communities. that we think about their health care, their safety and we think about those who are providing that safety. i wants to have the best law enforcement possible to protect our communities. they also have to be held accountable. we can do both. it is a false choice to say we have to do one or the other. >> but many look at that movement and say that it back fired. that it led to an odus of police, as i mentioned. that you have seen an increase in homicides, specifically in many cits across the country, that a lot of people who get arrested are back out on the street the next day. this is a dangerous movement that has led to a lot of violence and unrest in cities across the country. do you disagree? >> i am pointing to the data that is in georgia. we saw the largest increase in violent crime preceding that conversation that happened after
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george floyd was murdered, after arbery was murdered. georgia wa assaults, a 're going to face a gun violence because we have a governor who has weakened gun laws and has allowed dangerous people to carry guns without a background check. it is convenient to try to attach this to one moment that is insufficient in terms of its data and outcome. but we know in georgia, the number of people leaving law enforcement often cite pay. they cite pay, morale. that's because they are not completely supported by our governor and our leahip. they need the ability to take care of themselves and their families. we have law enforcement officers who are on food stamps because we are not doing our job to provide a living wage for those we ask to do a difficult job. >> we certainly have seen a dip in morale across the country in police. i think a lot of them would attribute it to movements to try to diminish their job and try to
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put them in a light that many of them felt they didn't deserve. before i let you go i want to ask you one more question. it's about president biden. his approval numbers are at 39%. obviously, we have soaring inflation. we've got gas prices putting a large dent in people's wallets across the country. will you be asking the president to campaign with you in georgia in the governor's race against governor kemp? >> i welcome anyone who wants to come to georgia to help improve the lives of georgians. that includes the president of the united states. more importantly i invite people to go to stacey to learn about my plans for georgia. this is a state race. this is about the future of jr. georgia where we treat anyone who should be doing their best for our communities deserve the best. please go to stacey to learn more about my plan to win georgia. >> all right. we look forward to the conversation. we appreciate you being here today. we hope we'll have a chance to talk to you in the future more
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about this important race in the governor -- for the governor's office in georgia. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. >> up next, we will bring in our sunday group and get a look at what the real impact is likely to be on thepcoming races, as democrats push to end the happened in the supreme court. we'll be right back. (vo) while you may not be running an architectural firm, tending hives of honeybees, and mentoring a teenager — your life is just as unique. your raymond james financial advisor gets to know you, your passions, and the way you help others. so you can live your life. that's life well planned.
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>> do you think the supreme court is broken, in your view? >> i thi the supreme court h made some terrible decisions. >> that was president biden exprsing his disappointment over the court'secent decision. time for our fox news panel. director doug hye and axios political reporter jonathan swan. welcome to all of you. it's great to be with you in washgton. you know what? i want to look at another sound bite. we went out and asked people on the street what their reaction is because ultimately it will be how voters feel about this as we head into the midterms that matter. watch this >> we really need all kinds of state legislators and courts to act rationally and judge fairly. >> i think the country is already polarized on this issue. people who are pro life are
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already republican and pro choice are already democrat. i think this is also about issues that will be in play like inflation. it is an issue people are concerned about. gas prices. it may have an impact but i don't think it will have a big impact. >> let me start with you and president biden and his response. i played a sound bite a moment ago where he said back in 2006 that any abortion was a tragedy. he's definitely changed his tune on that. how does this play for the president going forward? >> inside the white house, they've been preparing for this since the leak happened, since the leak came out at the start of may. they immediately saw, in terms of the political dimensions oven it, they saw this as their best opportunity to energize democratic voters this year. the guns issue was another one but that's sort of been mooted because of the bipartisan deal on the hill. to the extend they have an issue that can rev up their base, their base has been very depressed, they've got probably
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the most horrible political environment for democrats in a decade. this issue has been, to some extent, a life raft for them. so they're going to do a full court press on this. the vice president has a prominent role in she's been meeting with pro choice groups almost every week since that leak happened and they're going to mobilize their political and outside infrastructure to get as much political bang for their buck as they can out of this decision. >> i just spoke with stacey abrams. when you look at the kemp/abrams race, what's the impact of a decision like this in a place like georgia? >> short answer, in that race, also pennsylvania, we don't know yet. we don't know how much that's going to motivate democrats versus all the other things that everyday americans are dealing with every day, inflation being the most prominent example. one thing republicans need to be concerned about looking back at 2010, 2014, senate races is what
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kind of republican rhetoric are we going to hear from this? mary miller last night in illinois talked about white life, whatever that means. this is a shade of todd aiken, richard murdoch. four senate races we left on the table. one reason in missouri republicans are so concerned about eric wright being the nominee compared to other candidates who don't have the controversial rhetoric an also private life he has had. >> great point. how do republicans sort of frame this discussioand how do they talk about it given the fact that you're going to have a lot of moderate voters in places like pennsylvania or michigan who may bewayed by this issue. it's really difficult to tell how much though given the things doug points out. given inflation, gas prices. how much is it going to matter? >> i think it does matter. if you look back at exactly the segment ofhe electorate that decided some past election.
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you.directly at suburban white women and you would say, are theyotivated to turn out, to vote? ishis a big issue for them? what wknow historically is that abortion has really been a trigger for people who are opposed to abortion rights. they have made it their number one issue, their litmus test. it's the issue they own up. in shifts the dynamic. dynamic now becomes people who say, hey, i didn't think my abortion rights were going to go away. they've been here for 50 years. my mom, my grand mom had abortion rights. now that precedent has been erased and now i'm outraged and so i am now innoccentivized to vote. for democrats, there's a big hope there. you're looking, just picking up on what doug said. you're not only looking at those states. you're looking at arizona with the mark kelly race. you're looking at pennsylvania in a big way, in terms of the governor's race and the senate race. all of a sudden suburbs outside
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pittsburgh, outside philadelphia, they are going to make a big difference. >> i think it's an open question when you look at this issue. it h been a very long time that this has been in place and yet a lot has changed in the world since then. i look at these young women, pro life groups who are outside the capital. they have grown in size. you look at the hispanic vote which is becoming more conservative slowly over time. what about the political impact of this? >> i think, obviously, democrats are going to try to capitalize on this as much as they can. if they can try to bottle th emotion up that we are seeing in the streets, call for protest, to try to pour that into the midterms. it could work. i could see some sort of ads out there playing on that unknown fear of something like, you know, if you saw what they took away from you with reproductive rights, think about what else they could take away? playing up that unknown fear. they will try that.
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nancy pelosi talked about what the plan will be for the midterms. i don't know if it works. four months is a very long time, es specialfully washington. anything could happen. think about what happened last year in august. we are approaching that one year anniversary. if something like that were to happen again, things could go in a different direction. i don't know that it helps democrats the way i think they're hoping, especially with inflation and gas prices. that is what people are talking about mostly, especially independents. states like nevada, talking with independents, people who used to be democrats, republicans who are unaffiliated voters. that's the majority in that state. they are mostly worried about gas prices, inflation, not as much about social issues. >> i think for those states you just visited, i think about the mentioned earlier. martha this decision really is a tremendous burden on working
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class to middle class women and specifically those who are latino, black women who may have a child. most people who have abortions have a child. half of them are in poverty. someone who is trying to get their rsing certificate sudden an unintended pregnancy. suddenly their life choices are limited because their rights have been taken away. rights and liberties.ndividual they have tan away individual liberties. >> they just returned them to the states. they are allowing the states and people who vote for their representatives in the states to govern based on what the people desire. that's a fact. >> this very week they said the state cannot decide regulation of guns but said, we're going to decide about abortion. we're going to take away abortion. >> they said the 2nd amendment is no less a right than any
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other. it is a specific right in the constitution. their argument is that abortion is not a specified right in the constitution. >> states can send women to jail. they can send doctors to jail. but they can't say anything about who gets to walk around with a gun? >> all right. we'll be back with more conversation with our panel. take a quick break. up next, president biden heads to europe to meet with world leaders. we'll discuss their new plan and keeping up the pressure on russia. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪
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what's your take on how seriously this crackdown on russia is having, given what we are seeing on the ground? >> the russian economy has proven to be quite resilient and actually, despite all of the early kind of heady optimism, russia, they're digging in and they're making slow gains. this is looking like it's developing into a war of attrition. so the big challenge for biden is keeping unity in the west. that is easier said than done. you're already seeing here in america how strong the argument is particularly on the right in the base, in the right, about not sending any more money to ukraine when we've got problems domestically. why are we sending $40 billion to ukraine? they will have more trouble when they come back to try to get something more for ukraine. they're trying to hold it together. it's really fragile. it's very, very fragile, this coalition they've got together. >> you've been in the region. we are seeing a situation where
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you've got a blockade of grain es ports out of ukraine and a question of whether or not the united states should be doing more to break up the blockade and get those shipments through. >> the g-7 and nato alliance is influential. world, countries like india that are importing a ton of russian oil. so you have to think about why we're not hearing more of that from congressional leaders. why we're not talking about secondary sanctions when other countries are seemingly looking the other way and not siding with us on this. so do wonder why they are not questioning more about that when the front door is closed but the back door is open, does it really matter? are we gaining any significant outcome t of this? >> just about 15 secon each. quick thought on that, doug? >> putin's best asseis time. he not only knows that, he's depending on that which is why what jonathan was referencing
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>> i think the russian combat capabilities, itas reported the u.s. intelligence thinks they're limited. so if the united states can keep the allies together, time may reverse and we may see more power with the ukrainian capacity being supplemented. >> great week ahead. thanks to have you with us. thanks panel. up next a final word on the week ahead. so this is the meta portal plus. a smart video calling device that makes working from home work. a 12-megapixel lens makes sure your presentation is crystal clear. and smart camera auto pans and zooms to keep you perfectly in frame. oh, and it syncs with your calendar. plus, with zoom, microsoft teams, and webex,
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