Dan Ariely Misbelief Podcast

Navigating Misinformation with Empathy: Misbelief with Dan Ariely

This episode features Dan Ariely, author of ‘Misbelief, what makes rational people believe irrational things’, focusing on the psychology behind misinformation and belief in conspiracy theories.

Michael Nichols

Venture Building from Idea to Scale with Michael Nichols

Michael Nichols, coauthor of the Corporate Explorer Field Book and Director of Corporate Ventures for MANN + HUMMEL, shares insights on the challenges of inside-out innovation within corporations, emphasizing the importance of validating business models beyond core business practices.

Ellen Langer Innovation Show Aidan McCullen

Ellen Langer – The Mindful Body Part 1

An Interview with Ellen Langer: The Power of Mindfulness in Health and Life. Ellen Langer was the first woman to be tenured in psychology at Harvard. Known worldwide as the mother of mindfulness and the mother of Positive Psychology

Rita McGrath and Aidan McCullen on The Innovation Show

Rita McGrath: Designing Organisations for Innovation and Growth

In this final of a 4-part episode, Rita McGrath discusses her upcoming book focused on how organisations can design structures that empower decision-making at all levels, embracing a ‘permissionless’ approach to innovation.

Simon Hill and Aidan McCullen

The Power of Collective Intelligence with Simon Hill

Harnessing Global Creativity for Innovat The Power of Collective Intelligence with Simon Hill

Rita McGrath Aidan McCullen Innovation

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 3 with Rita McGrath

In this extensive session with Rita McGrath emphasises the importance of continuous innovation, exploiting new opportunities, and building new competencies to stay competitive.

Rita McGrath

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 2 with Rita McGrath

In part 2 of The Entrepreneurial Mindset, Rita McGrath, discusses the concept of the entrepreneurial mindset and the power of consumption chain analysis for businesses seeking to differentiate and innovate. 


Rita illustrates how understanding each step of a customer’s journey, from need identification to product disposal, can unveil numerous opportunities for innovation and competitive advantage.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset Part 1 with Rita McGrath

A conversation with Rita McGrath, author of ‘The Entrepreneurial Mindset,’ exploring principles for thriving in rapidly changing environments. McGrath shares her personal journey from industry to academia, emphasising the importance of understanding practical business applications.

Transforming Ideas into Action with Stuart Laws

Innovating Within the Military: Challenge-Driven Innovation and Connected Intelligence

This episode of the Corporate Explorer, recorded in London during the launch of the Corporate Explorer field book and powered by Wazoku, features Stuart Laws from the UK’s Defense Innovation Unit. The discussion explores how challenge-driven innovation has transformed problem-solving within the military, moving away from a traditional idea-generation model to one that actively involves business units in framing their issues for more scoped and implementable solutions. Laws highlights the shift towards a more inclusive innovation approach, engaging employees, suppliers, startups, universities, and leveraging Wazoku’s connected collective intelligence of over 700,000 global problem solvers. The episode also delves into the human aspects of innovation, including the creation of stakeholder personas to better understand and influence decision-makers, and the serendipitous discovery of solutions through cross-sector collaboration and challenge-driven initiatives. Laws shares insights on the necessity of a collaborative mindset in innovation, bringing public and private sectors together for impactful outcomes. The successes of this approach are exemplified in real-world applications, such as providing 5G coverage in hard-to-reach areas through a partnership between Defence, BT, and academic contributions.

00:00 Welcome to the Corporate Explorer: Innovating with Wazoku
00:43 Introducing Stuart Laws: Innovating in the Military
01:41 The Power of Challenge-Driven Innovation
04:12 Cross-Sector Innovation: Bridging Industries for Better Solutions
09:14 Marketing Personas: A Game-Changer for Innovation
12:55 Finding Solutions in Unexpected Places: The BT Story
15:13 Wrapping Up: The Future of Innovation with Wazoku

Find Stuart here: https://ideashadowcoaching.com

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