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How to Dupe in Diablo

All right reserved to Blizzard Entertainment


1. First you got to choose the item you want to dupe!

2. Then you make sure you have a potion or scroll on your belt but (make sure not to put a good scroll or an elixer, because you might lose the item.

3. Then you set the item that's going to be duped by you on the ground.

4. Then walk away from that item about 5 to 7 spaces (but try to do it vertically, because is so much easier).

5. Then you click on the item that you are going to duped, your character will start walking to the item.

6. The instant your character picks up the item, you click on the potion, elixer or scroll on your belt.

7. And at the moment you duped the item the other person's screen (If you are on will say "A Duplicate has been detected by another player."

8. The potion that you clicked on will still looks like a potion but the name will change, and when you set it on the ground, your potion will be gone and there will be the item you want with the right picture. There will be duplicate of the item in your inventory.


- When you do this, make sure not to ever have 2 of the same duped items on the ground, or game will say:"Duplicate item detected, destroying duplicate....." Then it will destroy one of your items.

- And some people like me, don't like to dupe (which is cheating) too much and duping is definitly cheating. I admit. I do dupe every once a while. So is up to you to dupe or not.


- Duping stuff has some very obvious advantages, as do all cheats. And I will go over a few of them for you.

a.) If you need like a book or something, and you don't have enough gold, dupe something and sell it for your needed money.

b.) If you have one awsome ring and the other is a crappy one, ditch the crappy one then dupe the cool one and put it on you.

c.) If you have something that someone really needs, then you have two choices to make:

1. If you have that item and you have no uses, then of course, just give it to them.

2. If you have the item and you need it, then dupe it in case they run off with it, you can still have some sort of backup.

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