
Applications open for OCB Working Group on Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR)

As discussed in the January 2023 mCDR webinar (recording), a key outcome of the OCB mCDR workshop in Sept. 2022 will be a topical working group. Working Group members will facilitate the connection of scientists with industry representatives, entrepreneurs, foundations, nonprofits and other scientists across disciplines and career stages through the establishment ofregional node mCDR activities around the US. WG members will serve as regional team leaders who will plan and convene regional stakeholder meetings to initiate information exchange, community building, and collaboration (learn more here). We emphasize that the planning and implementation of the nodes will be open-ended, collaborative, and iterative, allowing regional nodes to learn from each other but also tailor their needs to their specific groups. We are seeking a range of expertise, career stage, and sector representation in the WG membership. We anticipate a duration of ~2 years for this WG. If you are interested in applying to serve on this Working Group, please APPLY HERE by April 14. The lead organizers will review the applications and inform applicants by the end of April.

Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Project Office
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Department of Marine Chemistry & Geochemistry
266 Woods Hole Road MS #25, Woods Hole, MA 02543

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