red and white square illustration

Last August, YouTube announced that it was launching a ‘Music AI Incubator’ to test new AI-music tools and technologies. Universal Music Group was its first partner, with a steering group of artists and producers on board.

Now the initiative is expanding to Japan. UMG’s local division is part of it, but there is a second partner too: Crypton Future Media.

If the name isn’t familiar to western readers, its biggest star should be: Hatsune Miku. The company created the avatar pop star in 2007, and has piloted her to streaming (and stadium-filling) success in the decade-and-a-half since.

It will now be getting early access to Lyria, the music-generation model built by Google’s DeepMind AI division.

“With Lyria, you can generate high-quality, harmonious music with instruments and vocals, arrange it, and make detailed settings for the style and performance of the output song,” explained YouTube Japan’s blog post.

“For example, you can blend genres, turn beats into melodies, and soundtrack vocals simply by typing your ideas into the prompts.”

We’re intrigued to see what the minds behind Hatsune Miku (and UMG, of course) do with that.

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