Middle East

Gaza media office says over 12,000 tons of explosives dropped by Israel since Oct. 7

Israel continues relentless bombardment on Palestinian territory since surprise attack by Hamas

Muhammed Sabry  | 24.10.2023 - Update : 25.10.2023
Gaza media office says over 12,000 tons of explosives dropped by Israel since Oct. 7

GAZA CITY, Palestine

Israel has dropped more than 12,000 tons of explosives on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, the media office in the Palestinian enclave said on Tuesday. 

“The explosive force of these explosives is equivalent to the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in Japan” in 1945, the office said in a statement.

“An average of 33 tons of explosives were dropped per square kilometer on the Palestinian enclave since Israel started its aggression," it added.

Home to 2.3 million people, the Gaza Strip has a total area of 365 square kilometers.

Israel launched a relentless bombardment campaign on the Palestinian territory following a cross-border attack by Hamas, putting the enclave’s residents under total siege and a blockade of food, fuel and medical supplies.

More than 7,100 people have been killed in the latest conflict, including at least 5,791 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis.

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