We are 100% performance based – if we don’t get you results, we don’t get paid.

Product Hunt Marketing Agency


Product Hunt
Marketing Agency


Increase your user signups by up to 300%, Gain brand awareness and increase revenue by being featured at the top of product hunt

Product Launches don’t have to be stressful, time consuming and confusing.

We are 100% performance based – if we don’t get you results, we don’t get paid. 



Consumer Research


We follow a process where we’ll find users who have in the past voted for similar products like yours.
We then showcase your product to these users in order to bring more engagement to your product site.


Hunter Collective


We work with different hunters who will use their network to share your product launch.
They’ll promote your launch across a variety of different online communities and social channels to bring more awareness to your launch.


Continuous Monitoring


We’ll continuously monitor your ranking throughout the day and ensure that while competition gets tougher, you maintain the edge and rank higher.


Launch Updates


All you have to do is to engage with incoming questions and respond to feedback from the community.

As you rank higher we’ll provide you with launch updates throughout the day.

Based Marketing

75% of the traffic on Product Hunt goes to the top spots of the day.
Anything lower than that, and your launch will produce crickets.


We’ll make sure that your product ranks at the top of Product Hunt, or we don’t get paid.

We’ll make sure that your product ranks at the top of Product Hunt, or we don’t get paid.


Our clients are
backed by

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B2B Success

Interactive Product Demo Platform Project
Product Type:

Interactive Product Demo Platform

#1 Product of the Day on September 29, 2022

The team from Arcade had their initial debut on Product Hunt in January 2022 and ended up ranking in the top 4th spot. Throughout the proceess, they realized that the preparations were very time consuming when done in house and kept the team from focusing on other vital tasks at the time.

Caroline Clark

CEO, Arcade

Product Type:

Biomentric Authentification Platform

#1 Product of the Day on April 25, 2022

We saw good traction with developer sign ups. Yesterday was a record day for us and today is already #2 best day of the year in terms of signups.


Having never put anything on Product Hunt before, I was very grateful for all of your guidance.

Cole Hecht

CEO, Passage

Product Type:

AI Data Prediction Platform

#1 Product of the Day on March 11, 2022

Mage was planning their GA and wanted to use Product Hunt to announce their launch. Apart from becoming Product of the week, day and month, Mage received a significant increase in website traffic, early adopter feedback and exposure to the tech scene which will lead to long term brand awareness.

Tommy Dang

CEO, Mage

Product Type:

B2B E-Commerce Platform

#1 Product of the Day on March 15, 2021

“Throughout our launch day we saw a 4x increase in traffic to the site and a 6x increase in new contacts. It was a great day!”


The Product Hunt launch really helped Clean Cart to get more exposure to their ideal target user base of e-commerce entrepreneurs,


In addition their product received more exposure to a tech-savvy crowd which provided them with valuable user feedback that is now being implemented to improve the product.

Kathleen Booth

Vice President Marketing, Clean Cart

Product Type:

B2B Interactive Meeting Agenda App

#1 Product of the Day on February 18, 2021

“Our launch day went fantastic!


Here are our metrics from our launch day:

– 3,922 unique pageviews, 1867 unique visitors, 286 signups


We had users sign up from Twilio, Glassdoor, Bleacher Report, Wistia, Marriot, Zohomail, Go Overseas, Pleo, and Razorpay.
We had a few people write about us online too. One wrote about how to lead effective meetings using Mindup, a French online publication did something similar, Creativerly, Brainhub and UX Database all shared Mindup in their email newsletters. Thanks again!!

Haley Johnson

Marketing Manager, Mindup

Product Type:

B2B Analytics Platform

#2 Product of the Day on June 21, 2022

“We had hundreds of installs during our launch week, and we are now regularly seeing installs every day (which is a big difference from before, since we were in private beta and didn’t see organic installs at all).


Website traffic is now also up like 100% or something. So all in all, a success!”

Nicholos Freund

Founder and CEO, Workstream

Product Type:

B2B Text Marketing Platform

#1 Product of the Day on July 03, 2020

“The guys from Social Growth Labs were able to bring more traffic to our product page and allowed more users from the community to see what we were building with Respond Flow.”


Respond Flow launched recently rolled out a new text marketing platform and wanted to acquire more users quickly while being able to get more brand recognition from the tech crowd.


During their launch period, we worked with Respond flow to expand their promotional efforts amongst our own networks to bring them additional visibility,

Matt Morfopoulos

Co-Founder, Respond Flow

Product Type:

B2B Mobile app to build live prototypes

#3 Product of the Day on June 03, 2021

“Thank you for your guidance and help promoting Moonsense to the ProductHunt community!


We are very excited about what’s next now that we are in the open and we got a good number of people to install the Recorder app.


The launch generated 110 new accounts and app installs and we plan to engage this group with some more content over the next couple of days.
For the main website and blog, we got around 500 unique user visits yesterday. Pretty good conversion rate overall. Thank you!”

Andrei Savu

CEO, Moonsense

Product Type:

B2B Video Meeting Software

#1 Product of the Day on August 07, 2020

“Our Product Hunt launch really put us on the map within our vertical and has lead to a ton of new user signups amongst our ideal target client base.


In addition to new user signups we received a ton of super valuable feedback from the community which will help our team with developing the product roadmap further.


Product Hunt is an awesome place to gain new exposure for a productivity tool like ours and we couldn’t have done it without Tom and his team.”

Dean Grover

Founder, Vidlogs

Our Partners


B2C Success

idenati-product-hunt (1)
Product Type:

B2C Productivity Web App

#2 Product of the Day on March 16, 2021

“We’ve seen 1,700 unique pageviews to the PH landing page, 333 leads and 208 signups.


The team at Social Growth Labs handled the entire launch prepartions, from collecting the launch assets, making suggestions to the ad copy, recommending the best launch day and more!” 

Jeremy Hurst

Founder, Idenati

Product Type:

B2C Learning Platform

#1 Product of the Day on August 03, 2020

“Overall we saw an immense increase in traffic in the first two days, and activity has remained high today.


But the biggest impact we saw was signups, where we went from a handful a day to 143 on Monday and 232 on Tuesday.


I expect hundreds more at the end of the day today, potentially topping Tuesday’s result. 


Best of all though is that we are getting tons of engagement and having conversations with users who are very positive about the product.”

Phil von Heydebreck

Founder, Trickle

Product Type:

B2C Networking Platform

#1 Product of the Day on June 14, 2021

“Social Growth labs helped us get more exposure and we ended the day as #1 Product of the day which helped us to attract a ton of new users.”


When Lunchclub launched its newest Fireside chat feature, we worked with them to bring more interested users to the platform.


They received a lot of positive engagement from the community which turned into new user signups and exposure to the tech world.

Vladimir Novakovski

Co-Founder and CEO, Lunchclub

Product Type:

B2C Audio App

#1 Product of the Day on February 08, 2021

“On launch day we got about 1.3k impressions directly from PH, which turned into 467 installations of our tool. 


Surprisingly, we actually got more impressions + more installs (>500) on Tuesday, I think largely due to the momentum you gave us.


Even today we’re sitting at 120+ concurrent users, and it looks like we may get even more installs than yesterday.”

Kyle Morris

Co-Founder, Audiblogs

Product Type:

B2C Passwordless Login API

#1 Product of the Day on October 07, 2020

Throughout their launch day, Gazepass built substantial momentum from interested users and amongst the developer community which allowed them to turn this attention into new signups.


In addition to new user signups they received a ton of super valuable feedback from the community which will help our team with developing the product roadmap further.

Taus Noor

Taus Noor

Product Type:

B2C Virtual Camera App

#1 Product of the Day on November 11, 2020

“Thanks to you we have had tens of thousands of page views and nearly 10,000 signups since the Product Hunt launch day!”


Social Growth Labs worked with the team at xpression camera to prepare for the launch.


In addition, we monitored metrics throughout the launch day and managed the promotions.

Issay Yoshida

Founder, Xpression Camera

Product Type:

AI-powered reading assistant

#1 Product of the Day on March 24, 2022

The launched went phenomenally well. In terms of traffic, we’re seeing huge spikes in sign ups relative to where we were before and the positive energy evoked by users has a clear knock on effect for everything else. 


Summari wanted to launch their B2C product on Product Hunt in order to drive initial brand awareness, build credibility in their industry and drive user signups. We devised a campaign strategy that would help them achieve all 3 of their objectives and coordinated the execution.


Apart from ranking top #1 Product of the day, #1 Product of the week and #3 Product of the month, Summari received record spikes in traffic and new user signups.

Ed Shrager

CEO, Summari

Product Type:

No-Code Interactive Streaming Platform

#1 Product of the Day on February 15, 2022

Adventr recorded a 6X increase of user signups throughout their launch day and received a full-page feature in the Product Hunt newsletter.


Devo Harris is a serial media executive whose resume includes co-founding GOOD Music with Kanye West, discovering and signing John Legend, and winning a Grammy Award for Best Rap Song (Ye’s “Diamonds (from Sierra Leone)”).


Adventr lets anyone easily create fully interactive, actionable videos and share them anywhere. Apart from ranking as #1 Product of the day Adventr, received a full page feature in the Product Hunt newsletter which yet to another increase in lead flow and B2B conversations with interested prospects.

Devo Harris

CEO, Adventr

Product Type:

Collaborative Meeting App

#1 Product of the Day on March 03, 2022

We’re incredibly pleased with the result. Thank you to you and your team for your support during the campaign. We’re going to leverage the social proof for fundraising and media interest. Hope to collaborate again on future campaigns!


The team behind Shepherd had been heads down working on product development and didn’t have the time or resources to prepare for a Product Hunt launch. Yet they wanted to make their launch day a success in order to drive more brand awareness, drive media attention and use if for investor exposure. They decided to outsource the launch preparations to us and we worked with them prior and throughout the campaign.


Shepherd became #1 Product of the day during their launch period.

Jamie Gotz

CEO, Shepherd

Too Good To
Be True


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Ready To Make Your Product
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