Mildred's Lane is launching a strategic future!

WORKSTYLES of Mildred’s Lane will help us gain certification to open as a public art-site.

Mildred's Lane / WORKSTYLES A Project of Creative Visions Fiscal Sponsorship

Mildred's Lane is now working with Creative Visions as fiscal sponsorship in raising funds for the upcoming publication projects and short films about Mildred's Lane celebrating 25 years; including a compendium titled WORKSTYLES of Mildred's Lane about our history of an artist-driven project site with a cookbook of artist-guest-chefs titled DIGESTION CHOREOGRAPHY. These will be helpful tools for future fundraising efforts in opening a new public art site for the 21st century.

This is the beginning of thinking about the future of Mildred's Lane. The co-founders, Mark Dion, J. Morgan Puett, and friends have hand-built a one-of-a-kind art site. They have started strategic planning for this 93-acre site becoming a new foundation that will develop an art site for the 21st-century – inviting creatives-in-residence and further inspiring the potentiality for transformative experiences in how we think of ourselves as environmentally sensitive social practitioners in the world.This artist residency and educational compound are different from any other. We challenge capitalism through cultivating shared experiences at Mildred's Lane supporting collective thinking, collaboration, and exchange.

At Mildred's Lane, we are interested in new modes of being in the world – evoking a social and political entanglement that interrogates our relations to the environment, relationships with each other, systems of labor, forms of dwelling, design apparatuses, and most importantly, creative domesticating – all of which compose ethics of comportment – what we term WORKSTYLES of Mildred's Lane.

Activating the nexus of natural science, life experience, and critical artistic practices in these deep woods and the local towns, these unique conditions offer rare opportunities for participants to collaborate in the production of large-scale, research-driven, social, and conceptual projects while reassembling the terms of the everyday world within a genuinely transdisciplinary environment.

WORKSTYLES is a participatory practice in creative domesticating and a system strategically integrated into our daily working-living- researching-making, co-evolving a rigorous engagement with every aspect of life – creative being is the practice.

Last year, the local government ordered Mildred's Lane to 'cease and desist.' The Damascus Township, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, now demands that we upgrade our site and facilities to meet the standards of the new ordinances for public gatherings and overnight accommodations. After many meetings with the governing characters, they understand us better; but continue pressing that we must build more commercial features in our delicate environment to gain certification before reopening. We hope to accomplish these upgrades over the coming months and into next year to satisfy their concerns; Building a commercial kitchen, public toilets, bathing facilities, lane repairs, parking, and getting the barn lyceum up to code for our summer sessions 2023-24. Thank you for your support, and we hope to see you in these deep woods soon!