50 Emerging (Technology) Themes to watch out for in 2024
Technology Predictions 2024

50 Emerging (Technology) Themes to watch out for in 2024

"The future is not an inheritance. It is an opportunity and an obligation." - Bill Clinton

This marks the sixth consecutive year during which I've embarked on the endeavour of curating the insightful predictions of others into a compendium of sorts. Initially, these compilations were predominantly centred around technological advancements. However, as the years have unfolded, technology has become an ever-present facet of our daily lives. My evolving interests have also prompted me to include a broader spectrum of topics, some less techy, but selfishly, that I find nerdish interest in sharing. 

If you read the technology predictions for 2024 and compare them to those of 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019, you'll see how some predictions, once considered outlandish, have unfolded, while others have proven to be astute analyses of what lay ahead. Of course, some have been a complete miss! That said, no smoke without fire - they all provide and have provided a glimpse into the ideas, plans, and visions that shape the path to our future.

Tech Predictions 2024

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Consistent with previous years, I read and skimmed through numerous reports, drawing wisdom from wise soothsayers. This has culminated in a “meticulously crafted” compendium of 50 noteworthy themes. Many of the themes are technology-led or technology-driven but some are just interesting themes that surprised me a little in our tech-infused society. Again, this list is not intended to be the obvious business drivers of the year, but things to watch out for that could affect your work or your business. It’s also intended to form a basis for further reading.

Please read the full reports and articles. I hope this list makes you ponder a little, makes you curious about the future, and perhaps moves you away from the status quo. And remember - predictions are just that - a forecasted guess. They may be right, they may be wrong, but they are based on someone's inclination that something might be happening. 

If you are looking for a bunch of reports, please see this gdrive. It which has nearly 200 trend reports for 2024, put together by Iolanda Carvalho Amy Daroukakis, Ci En L. and Gonzalo Gregorio.

Or if you are looking just for financial predictions from the banks, Anthony Cheung has put together all the bank reports in one post.

Eat your heart out!

Given this is 2024 and we are in the AI era, there are some GPTs that you can play with which might help

Here you have the links to access the respective GPT's:

Kyle Matthew Duckitt created Trend God, Michell Zappa created Meta Trends... and Ignacio Ramirez Moreno, CFA created Market Outlook GPT.

It's still not quite the curated list but with all the advancement, I probably won't need to do a 2025 trends update next year! 

I would love to hear about what I might have missed. Please add other themes, thoughts, and discussion in the comments! And feel free to share with your network.

Don't forget to sign up for my free newsletter, Box of Amazing - and please do share this post with your colleagues and networks.

Here are the 50 technology trends for 2024:

1 Generative AI becomes Culturally aware

Cultural diversity profoundly influences human experiences and behaviours. To make generative AI more globally accessible, large language models (LLMs) must develop cultural fluency, moving beyond Western biases in their training data. Non-Western LLMs are emerging, offering culturally accurate responses. However, true cultural awareness involves a broader understanding. Two research areas, reinforcement learning from AI feedback (RLAIF) and multi-agent debate collaboration, enable LLMs to interact and learn from one another, enhancing their comprehension of societal challenges from diverse cultural perspectives. As LLMs become culturally aware, they will provide more precise and adaptable responses across various topics, with far-reaching impacts.

All things Distributed Tech predictions for 2024 and beyond

2 Machine Customers

Technology Predictions 2024

Nonhuman economic actors purchase goods and services in exchange for payment. For the first time in human history, businesses will gain the capacity to generate their own customer base. By 2028, there will be around 15 billion connected products capable of acting as customers, and this number will continue to grow in the years that follow. This shift is expected to have a profound influence on the economy, with trillions of dollars in purchases being affected by 2030, ultimately surpassing the importance of the introduction of digital commerce.

2024 Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends

3 The Gen AI Juggernaut continues

In 2023, generative AI, powered by large language models like GPT4, saw significant growth and adoption, with companies like OpenAI , NVIDIA , Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, Microsoft , and others making notable advancements. These developments included OpenAI's subscription-based ChatGPT, NVIDIA's BioNeMo for predicting protein structures, AWS's 'AI Ready' training initiative, Google's Bard chatbot, Microsoft's integration of ChatGPT, and more. In 2024, major AI vendors are expected to further expand their presence in various industries, offering specific solutions tailored to sectors like life sciences, financial services, and cybersecurity. They will also provide third-party developers with access to their data, services, and models through APIs, driving innovation downstream. Additionally, tools like Photguard and Glaze, designed to prevent misuse of AI-generated content, are likely to continue emerging in response to concerns about deepfakes and content authenticity.

Taylor Wessing Predictions 2024

4 Authenticity vs AI

In 2024, there will be a battle between AI-generated content and human creativity. Decentralized networks will emerge to validate human-created work, focusing on authenticity and values. Creators will use "anti-AI tools" to protect their content. Subscription plans and creator-focused marketplaces will empower creators. Concerns persist about AI's use in generative AI systems without author permission and its impact on human artists. The year will mark a shift towards valuing genuine creativity.

GP Bullhound 2024 Predictions

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5 Mixed Reality goes Mainstream

From Alex Kantrowitz: Artificial Intelligence has breathed fresh vitality into mixed reality, and the upcoming year holds great promise. We may soon witness AI avatars seamlessly integrated into platforms like Oculus and Vision Pro, engaging with humans through pass-through experiences. Just imagine enjoying a sports game on Vision Pro while an AI avatar in the room cheers for your team and provides information on the matchup, team statistics, player backgrounds, and more. Additionally, camera-equipped smart glasses like Meta's Raybans will feature AI assistants, ready to converse with you about the world around you.

Alex Kantrovitz’ Seven Predictions For Tech in 2024

6 Family 2.0

From Ford Motor Company: The concept of family is evolving significantly, with traditional norms of marriage and parenthood no longer seen as obligatory. In the coming decade, family life may increasingly involve furry companions rather than human offspring, as many express a preference for having pets over children. Society stands at a critical juncture, balancing between tradition and progress. While a majority of respondents recognize the stability provided by traditional family roles, they also call for societal acceptance of non-traditional family structures. Individuals are reshaping the definition of family, constructing the family that suits their preferences, transcending the conventional boundaries and entering the era of Family 2.0.

Further with Ford 2024

7 Mindfulness Camps

From Marian Salzman The latest trend in summer camps involves incorporating mindfulness training, including activities like yoga, meditation, and positive affirmations, and this mindfulness movement has extended to retreats for all ages, contributing to the booming global alternative and complementary medicine industry projected to reach $695 billion by 2030.

On Hope’s Edge Marian Salzman

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8 Beaut-AI

AI is set to play a significant role in the beauty industry in 2024, offering personalized recommendations, virtual try-on experiences, and data-driven insights. It will help brands identify emerging beauty preferences and eco-friendly options by analyzing social media trends, customer feedback, and market research. Transparency in AI systems is crucial for building consumer trust, and inclusivity will be promoted through AI algorithms trained on diverse datasets. AI will also enable hyper-personalized beauty recommendations by considering lifestyle factors, environmental conditions, and genetic information. Virtual beauty assistants and AI-powered devices will provide personalized advice and enhance at-home treatments. Additionally, AI can optimize sustainability practices in ingredient sourcing, packaging, and waste reduction. Ethical AI governance will be essential to address bias, privacy, and responsible data use in the beauty industry.

Mintel Global Consumer Trends

9 AI Edtech comes of age

As my colleagues at Avallain will concur, we are seeing unprecedented requests for embedding AI in all areas of #edtech and #education - There will be an even faster education shift this year as consolidation of MVPs evolve: The need to adapt curricula to focus on human skills as AI handles computational tasks will become increasingly evident. Teaching critical thinking, data literacy, and information evaluation will become fundamental components of education with a shift to “lifelong education” becoming a perceived norm with AI-driven platforms offering dynamic, up-to-date content to match evolving job market demands.

AI Edtech

AI in Edtech

10 Little Treat Culture

The trend of "Little Treat Culture" is on the rise, driven by the desire for mindful consumption, especially among Gen Z and Millennials. Despite economic constraints and environmental concerns, consumers seek gratification and joy in small, curated experiences, turning everyday routines into intentional moments. These "Little Treats" reflect a shift towards finding joy in the ordinary and simplifying life in a complex world. This trend spans various industries like Food and beverage, Retail, and Beauty and cosmetics. It appeals to consumers with diverse values, from those seeking personal gratification to the eco-conscious. As consumers look for easily digestible experiences, they prioritize non-committal and exploratory interactions with products and services, seeking emotional value at an accessible cost.

NextAtlas 2024 Annual Report

11 Rise Of The Meta City

A "Meta City" typically refers to a concept where traditional physical cities and virtual, digital spaces are interconnected or integrated in some way. In a Meta City, the boundaries between physical and digital realities blur, and digital technology plays a significant role in enhancing urban experiences. It's a term often used to describe the evolving relationship between physical urban environments and the virtual world, especially as technologies like augmented reality, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things become more integrated into urban life. The exact definition and scope of a Meta City can vary depending on the context and the specific technologies and concepts it encompasses. Thanks to digital technology, cities are no longer just physical; they’re interconnected in ways we never imagined. The future is a city that’s both real and virtual, where physical proximity meets digital connectivity.

15 Global Trends For 2024 - Sarwant Singh

12 AI App stores

The US is expected to have over 100 million generative AI users in the coming year, creating a favourable environment for the emergence of AI app stores. Major chatbot platforms are anticipated to offer customized versions, tools, and plugins that enhance the AI experience and be available for purchase. OpenAI has recently announced a GPT store for specialized chatbots, and it's predicted that Meta and ByteDance will follow suit. These task-oriented chatbots are likely to attract brand partnerships, assisting consumers in various tasks such as finding recipes or flight deals.

Trends 2024

Insider Intelligence 5 tech trends and predictions for 2024

13 Finfluencing crackdown

Influencer marketing will remain under regulatory scrutiny, with a particular focus on the rise of 'finfluencers' who offer financial advice on social media. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has already issued guidance on this trend, and we can expect further involvement in this area. Ongoing regulatory attention will also be directed at the advertising of cryptoassets and the promotion of high-fat, salt, and sugar foods. Public service broadcasting advertising and challenges arising from digital advertising will continue to be areas of concern.

Taylor Wessing Predictions 2024

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14 Digital Dopplegangers

The increasing prevalence of AI encourages us to delve into the essence of our own identity, as artists, gamers, and individuals with limited time explore the possibilities of digital doppelgangers to represent them or perform tasks in their place. In the context of technology and artificial intelligence, a digital doppelganger refers to a virtual or digital representation of a real person. It is often created using various digital data sources, such as social media profiles, online activity, or other personal information, and can be used for a range of purposes, including personalization in marketing, virtual avatars in gaming or virtual reality, or even for identity verification and authentication.

digital twins

dentsu Creative 2024 Trends

15 Dual Reality Fashion 

In 2023, fashion saw extremes with festival-goers embracing vibrant looks, pop-culture trends like #Mermaidcore and #Barbenheimer inspired by summer blockbusters, and even the rise of #cores becoming mainstream. Fashion served as a way to connect in a digital world marked by isolation. However, as the world faces new challenges, a trend called "Dual Reality" is emerging in 2024. It blends irony and sincerity, redefining established narratives and introducing a balance between comfort and individuality. Realism is making a comeback, but with a unique twist. Formal wear becomes more casual, romance takes on sobriety, intellectualism becomes provocative, and performance turns performative. The fashion narrative becomes a dance between chaos and structure, emphasizing authenticity through balance. Depop's data suggests that Sleaze Academia, Lazy Luxe, Post Romance, and Sports Quest will be the most popular trend categories in 2024.

Depop Trends Report 2024

16 Relearning being human

Today, we're witnessing a rise in courses and events focused on basic social skills, like small talk, making friends, dining etiquette, and approachability, as people strive to improve their interpersonal abilities in a world increasingly dominated by screens and technology. This is very much the levelling up after we have been immersed in a tech world.

On Hope’s Edge Marian Salzman

17 Budget Bougie Travel

Travel trends for 2024 are emphasizing the pursuit of luxury travel for less. Travelers are prioritizing cultural exploration, and seeking diverse cultural activities without breaking the bank. They are embracing "luxe-for-less" experiences by upgrading flights and seeking quality amenities at affordable prices. Specific travel vibes and types, such as "Budget bougie foodies" and "Luxe-for-less seekers," are gaining popularity. Artificial intelligence is playing a significant role in travel planning, with 44% of global travellers using AI for research. While cost remains a consideration, there's a willingness to invest in flight upgrades and extra amenities. Trending destinations like Spain, Germany, Italy, and Japan are on the rise. Sustainable travel is important, but some travellers hesitate to pay more for eco-friendly options. Key trends include personalization, celebration vacations, analogue adventures, and budget-friendly fine dining experiences. Travellers are also seeking to immerse themselves in destinations inspired by media, emphasizing mindfulness, and connecting with nature, all while finding ways to enjoy luxury within their budgets, including best-value five-star accommodations and budget-friendly gig destinations like Leeds, Bordeaux, and Rome.

bougie travel

Skyscanner - Travel Trends 2024

18 Hybrid Work Models remain the norm

The trend of "return to the office" (RTO) is gaining momentum as we transition from remote work towards the end of 2023 and into 2024, with 90% of businesses planning to return to the office by the end of the year. However, this shift is met with resistance from employees who have grown accustomed to remote work, with 39% stating they would quit if RTO is mandatory. This creates a dilemma for HR leaders, who must find a balance that satisfies both parties. Hybrid work models, which offer flexibility and in-person collaboration, are expected to play a crucial role, with 39% of knowledge workers predicted to be in hybrid arrangements by the end of 2023. HR leaders must creatively tailor these models to suit the unique needs of their organizations, incorporating technology, data analysis, and leadership strategies to ensure employee engagement and productivity.

Multiplier State of Work 2024

19 Shuttlecocks ahoy

From Pinterest - Move over, tennis. Gen Z and Millennials will be smitten with badminton in the new year. Searches for everything from ‘badminton outfit’ to ‘playing badminton’ are on the rise.

badminton trends

Pinterest Predicts 2024: Today’s ‘cheat sheet’ for tomorrow’s trends

20 Vanity Commerce goes even larger

The enduring influence of vanity in consumer trends, known as the "selfie thesis," remains potent. This concept suggests that successful consumer companies often capitalize on human vanity, which has been supercharged by mobile phone cameras and social media. Products that enhance one's appearance, particularly in selfies, are considered good investments. While the trend has shifted towards more authentic self-presentation, the pursuit of vanity continues to grow. Medspas offering non-surgical aesthetic treatments are on the rise, as are efforts to make cosmetic procedures more accessible and affordable. Other sectors to watch include sleep, beauty, skincare, and anti-ageing products. In 2024 and beyond, vanity and the selfie thesis are expected to remain influential in consumer behaviour.

Rex Woodbury - 24 predictions for 24

21 Creator Brands build influence

Creators have showcased their influence in the business landscape, from Kim Kardashian's Skims shapewear to Logan Paul's Prime drinks. According to social media expert Matt Navarra, this trend is set to persist in 2024, primarily driven by prominent TikTok and YouTube personalities. Navarra predicts that brands will aim to partner with these creators, often taking a secondary role as the creators play a significant role in product and service development.

Fast Company Here’s what 6 experts think will happen in the tech world in 2024

22 Texodus

In 2023, technology companies began relocating to different states in pursuit of improved business prospects, notably driven by tax considerations. In 2024, we anticipate that these relocations will contribute to the emergence of a new tech hub similar to Silicon Valley, but in Texas. The attraction of Texas extends beyond its tax advantages, as workers from various parts of the United States are also choosing to move to the state in search of a more affordable cost of living. Texas boasts several cities, including Austin, that are gaining popularity among both businesses and employees. This convergence of skilled talent and burgeoning enterprises is poised to transform Texas into the next significant technology hub.

BDO Forecasting Tech Trends in 2024

23 AI News Anchors become a thing

In the U.S., there are still 219 million TVs despite the trend of cord-cutting. These TVs display various content that costs money to produce and license. Some of this content, often in obscure streaming services, shows ads in between TV shows and movies that lack cultural significance. AI-generated content is expected to emerge in this space initially, with a startup called "Channel 1" aiming to create an AI-powered news network. While this may seem dystopian, it could become the norm due to its cost-effectiveness and low human involvement. The traditional entertainment industry is declining except for high-budget content, and AI-generated news with artificial hosts may become widespread in 2024, potentially impacting the spread of fake news.

ai anchors

The Pourquoi Pas 24 Tech predictions for 2024 from Adrien Book

24 An authentication Smartphone super app

Smartphone authentication is a game-changing feature that enhances the device's utility. It enables secure logins, contactless payments, and access to various services like vehicles, buildings, and airports. With rising security concerns, smartphones are becoming a central tool for identity verification, thanks to their built-in, fast, and secure biometric authentication capabilities.

Deloitte’s TMT Predictions 2024

25 Embracing AI Colleagues:

The era of working alongside AI is here, and as companies welcome this technology, it prompts a crucial question: what role do humans play, and why is their presence essential? This question becomes particularly relevant in customer experience (CX), where human connection holds great significance. Consider an anxious customer urgently needing a flight to visit a sick relative abroad, or an e-commerce business owner facing payment gateway issues. These are high-stress situations that can make or break a brand's promise. In such scenarios, a chatbot may struggle to empathize with the urgency of the matter. Hence, we firmly advocate for a collaborative approach between humans and AI to achieve better outcomes.

Frontier Enterprise :The 2024 technology predictions bonanza

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26 Autonomous Agent Startups

New programming frameworks are enabling developers to seamlessly connect enterprise applications and datasets to large language models (LLMs), which power text-based generative AI tools. These frameworks also facilitate the automation of multiple prompts for complex tasks. At the forefront, organizations are starting to deploy autonomous agents that, when given an objective, can generate their own prompts and tasks to achieve it. In 2024, we anticipate significant investments by tech companies in autonomous agents, transitioning from proof-of-concept to enterprise-wide adoption. Initially, these agents will serve as virtual assistants for basic administrative tasks, but the tech industry is expected to explore more advanced roles, such as project planning and software development, by the end of the year.

BDO Forecasting Tech Trends in 2024

27 Smaller Larger Language Models

Large Language Models are getting smaller, disrupting the AI market. The parameter count of an AI model indicates its capacity to capture complexity and nuances. Since Google's influential 2017 paper introducing the transformer architecture, which led to the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, the parameter count has been the primary measure of model quality, with a larger count considered better. However, having larger parameters comes with drawbacks, and more parameters do not always lead to improved performance.

GP Bullhound 2024 Predictions

28 Influencers push social shopping further

TikTok Shops and Instagram, Checkout plus Pinterest look set to dominate as Influencer niche dominators start to control specific products aligned to algorithmic purchasing. The trend suggests that messaging, search, and shopping are set to become even more significant priorities across various digital platforms. Instagram's survey of Gen Z indicates that sustainable fashion choices, self-improvement, and activism will be top concerns for this generation in the coming year. Messaging is gaining prominence, with Gen Z using DMs to connect with others, aligning with Meta's broader focus on messaging. Pinterest predicts trends like blue makeup, combat sports, and "slowcations" will gain popularity among Gen Z and millennials. The platform is also enhancing its social commerce capabilities, following the industry trend of turning platforms into shopping destinations. This trend is seen across platforms like TikTok, Meta, Snap, and Amazon partnerships, all emphasizing social commerce.

Insider Intelligence: What brands can learn from Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok’s 2024 predictions

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29 The Rise of the Non-Influencer Influencer

Gen Z is increasingly gravitating towards TikTok in search of brands and content that ignite their inspiration. Consequently, brands will continue refining their strategies on this platform and repurposing content to extend their reach across platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and more. To bolster content creation and enhance brand relevance, brands should prioritize collaborations with Gen Z creators who possess exceptional content creation skills, even if they don't fit the traditional mold of "professional influencers." This approach ensures that the content remains of high quality and aligns with the unique nature of TikTok, avoiding an overly polished or staged feel.


Ceros Retail Touchpoints 2024 Predictions

30 Hyper Local Geomapping

In 2024, location-based targeting is making a comeback, offering precise, cookieless targeting opportunities. Location data serves as a valuable common currency, providing insights into people's behaviour and enabling cross-channel activation. The focus has shifted from specific locations to context, emphasizing meaningful insights throughout a journey. Travel patterns, community rhythms, and high street footfall offer opportunities for richer advertising strategies. Geodemographic tools like MOSAIC are being rediscovered to understand neighbourhood characteristics and inform interventions. The full potential of location data is realized when combined with client data, enabling more precise targeting and audience identification. Media brands are also enhancing their location-based targeting efforts to harness the power of geo.

Mindshare Trends 2024

31 A shift from Degrees to Skills

Job postings no longer emphasize degrees as much, with only a minority of workers holding them. The trend of prioritizing degrees started during the Great Depression but is changing with global talent markets and innovative technology in 2024 LinkedIn's Skills First Report shows that 19% of job listings now prioritize skills over education or qualifications, indicating a shift toward skills-based hiring, considered the "gold standard" in recruitment. This approach widens the talent pool, aligns with diversity initiatives, and promotes innovation. In 2023, the skills shortage became evident, leading to a projected $8.5 trillion loss in unrealized revenues by 2030. However, in 2024, skill-based hiring is expected to further grow, with 19% of job listings already focusing on skills, and 75% of recruitment professionals making it a top priority.

Multiplier State of Work 2024

32 Tech Infused Drinks

Technology is reshaping the drinks industry, with AI leading the way. AI is enhancing cocktail experiences and expanding at-home mixology. While consumers embrace AI recommendations for drinks, they still value the human touch in bartending. Education and training are priorities for bartenders in 2024. Innovative brands are using AI for personalized experiences, like GREY GOOSE's Tailored Toasts and Hacha Bar's sound-mixed cocktails. Technology is also streamlining drinks commerce, as seen in Bacardi's virtual store partnership with China Duty Free Group. This trend focuses on personalized, tech-driven experiences in the beverage industry.

tech drinks

Bacardi Cocktail Trends Report

33 A shift from Generative AI to Predictive AI

In 2023, generative AI took the spotlight, but the integration of predictive AI is equally important. Predictive analytics allows organizations to anticipate future events by analyzing existing data patterns. When combined with automation, predictive AI can trigger workflows that engage customers with generative AI-generated content, enhancing customer interactions. Looking ahead to 2024, significant advancements and widespread AI adoption are expected. To ensure successful AI implementation, organizations should focus on grounding prompts in real-world data, building centaur teams, embedding AI into mainstream applications, and adopting an API-led approach. This integration of predictive and generative AI will drive transformative applications in the future.

MuleSoft -5 AI Predictions for 2024: Navigate the Hype Cycle and Embrace Your Inner Centaur

34 Longer Live streams

Live-streaming has evolved into a major trend, expanding beyond its initial gaming roots and finding new avenues in various sectors. Contrary to expectations, it's on an upward trajectory into 2024. Live shopping, in particular, offers an opportunity for immersive brand experiences, as 31% of people believe it aids informed purchasing decisions. Creator-led content in live streams is proving more effective than traditional ads, with authenticity and product demonstrations playing a significant role. Creators are diversifying their revenue streams, with platforms like TikTok and OnlyFans offering new monetization options. Longer-form content in live streams is gaining popularity, offering deeper storytelling and audience engagement. Key takeaways include the importance of authentic, unedited product experiences, the potential for creators to boost revenue through live streams, and the resurgence of long-form content in the digital landscape.

Oglivy 2024 Influencer Trends

35 Crypto kickstart

The potential approval of a spot bitcoin ETF is expected to significantly boost the cryptocurrency market, potentially increasing bitcoin's price by 123% within a year. This approval would validate bitcoin as a legitimate institutional investment and open the door to the massive retirement fund market. Experts believe that the most impactful outcome would be the convenience of accessing spot bitcoin exposure through traditional financial channels, making it easier for institutions and individuals to invest. While there are potential challenges in the approval process, it marks an important step in bitcoin's acceptance. It's expected to drive institutional adoption, with wealth managers promoting crypto investments, but concerns exist about institutional influence on bitcoin's future direction.

Gemini Crypto Trend Report 2024

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36 The Year of the Deep Deep Fake

Cybersecurity experts predict a surge in cybercriminal activity marked by deception. They anticipate a busy year for cybercriminals due to ongoing geopolitical tensions, significant elections in the U.S. and European Union, and the Paris Olympics all occurring within a short timeframe. This convergence of events is expected to give rise to sophisticated disinformation campaigns. Cybercriminals now have access to advanced tools like AI-engineered deep fakes, audio fakes, and convincing AI-crafted phishing emails. These resources will enable them to deceive unsuspecting users, consumers, and even public officials, furthering their malicious objectives more convincingly.

deep fakes

IBM’ s 2024 predictions show gen AI is the new DNA of cyberattacks

37 Anti-Burnout and Well-Being Workflows

Work-life integration is gaining prominence as organizations prioritize employee well-being and productivity, particularly with the rise of remote work. Traditional work-life balance has been the norm, but now, flexibility and output-driven approaches are becoming key. Millennials and Gen-Z, who will make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, are pushing for healthier workflows. Burnout remains a concern, with 76% of employees experiencing it at some point. In 2024, asynchronous work cultures will continue to grow, allowing employees to choose their hours and enhancing productivity. Employers will shift focus from rigid working hours to results and productivity, with asynchronous communication becoming more prevalent.

Multiplier State of Work 2024

38 The Rise Of Intelligent Assistants

As per Bill Gates, the transition from bots to agents represents a monumental shift in computing, akin to the shift from typing commands to tapping icons. The year 2024 may witness the widespread commercialization of personal agents. These agents, with the ability to comprehend natural language and perform intricate tasks, are on the verge of becoming commonplace. Their emergence is set to revolutionize various industries, boost productivity, and redefine how we engage with technology. Prepare for the future, where having your personal Bond 007 agent could be a reality.

15 Global Trends For 2024 - Sarwant Singh

39 Meddled Elections

Remaining vigilant against the risks of technology-driven manipulations in 2024 is crucial, The year 2024 holds significant importance for democracy, featuring critical electoral events in both Europe and the United States, including the European Parliament elections in June across 27 European Union countries, the U.S. Presidential election in November, and a parliamentary election in the UK. The task of monitoring and curbing undesirable conduct is expected to be exceptionally challenging. In anticipation of these elections, the detection and prevention of misinformation, disinformation, and ensuring the cybersecurity of the voting process are likely to present substantial technological hurdles in 2024.

Fast Company Here’s what 6 experts think will happen in the tech world in 2024

40 Bring your own AI to work

In 2024, organizations are becoming more open to embracing generative AI technology like ChatGPT, moving away from initial scepticism due to concerns about data breaches. This trend is driven by the growing experimentation with AI among employees, making it a common practice in everyday business operations. The "bring your own AI" (BYOAI) approach is on the rise, with employees using various AI services, whether officially sanctioned or not, to accomplish their tasks. bp is leading the way by integrating AI into its corporate culture, with a vision for every employee, regardless of technical background, to create and share their AI tools. Furthermore, generative AI is expected to boost productivity through "shadow AI" in 2024. This entails using AI technology to enhance employee performance and efficiency without the need for additional hiring. 

TechTarget Target Five generative AI trends to look for in 2024

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41 Computer Augmented Telemedicine

In 2024, computer-augmented telemedicine is set to play a significant role in healthcare. With AI and machine learning aiding doctors in diagnosis and a post-COVID shortage of medical professionals, healthcare kiosks will rise as a supplement to traditional in-person medicine. These self-service kiosks will collect basic health metrics, perform scans, and conduct initial wellness assessments, potentially offering suggestions for minor ailments. AI will enable the detection of common markers in preventative care, and when vital signs deviate from the norm, patients will be directed to a human doctor. This technology aims to reduce the time doctors spend on non-critical tasks.

Dice Top 4 Tech Predictions for 2024

42 Kidulting becomes cool

"Kidult" toys are toys and playthings that are designed and marketed primarily for adults who enjoy nostalgic or childlike experiences. Adults are increasingly postponing or finding it difficult to fulfil their grown-up responsibilities, opting instead for play and leisure activities. This is evident in the surge of "Kidult" toys, the widespread appeal of casual gatherings like #GirlDinner, and the emergence of unique experiences that blend art galleries with activities typically associated with children's soft play areas.

barbie - kidulting

Dentsu Creative 2024 Trends

43 A shift in the C-Suite

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), and Chief Information Officers (CIOs) will take on even more critical roles within the C-suite. Simultaneously, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) will increasingly develop expertise in cybersecurity. As cyberattacks grow in sophistication and new SEC regulations mandate disclosures related to cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incidents, C-suite positions are expanding in scope. Effectively conveying cyber risks and resilience strategies to key stakeholders will be a crucial success factor for CISOs, CTOs, CIOs, and even CFOs and CLOs.

Splunk Executive Predictions

44 AI-Augmented Coding Assistants

The use of AI technologies, such as generative AI and machine learning (ML), to aid software engineers in creating, testing and delivering applications. AI-powered development tools streamline coding processes, enhance software testing, and boost developer productivity. This advancement addresses the rising demand for business software and allows engineers to focus more on high-level activities like designing innovative applications. Already happening, by 2028, 75% of enterprise software engineers will use AI coding assistants, up from less than 10% in early 2023

2024 Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends

45 Immersive Education

In 2024, immersive education investments will surge, driven by AR/VR and AI technologies. These immersive environments enhance learning experiences, making education more engaging and effective. Technologies like virtual laboratories and augmented reality help students grasp complex concepts. The impact extends beyond classrooms, with trade workers benefiting from enhanced training and healthcare workers using immersive solutions. While challenges exist, investor interest is high, making 2024 a transformative year for immersive learning.

GP Bullhound 2024 Predictions

46 Femtech Takes off

FemTech, or women's healthcare technology, is experiencing a surge in investment and innovation. This growth is fueled by increased access to data and advanced technologies like machine learning and specialized devices. FemTech is addressing historical gaps in women's healthcare, offering personalized care, and breaking down stigmas. With companies like Tia, Elvie, and Embr Labs leading the way, women's healthcare is becoming more convenient and accessible through online platforms and low-cost diagnostic devices. This shift is not limited to OB/GYN care but extends to various aspects, including sports medicine. By leveraging data and cloud technologies, the healthcare system aims to reduce misdiagnoses and minimize medication side effects, benefiting all individuals, not just women. Conditions like endometriosis and postpartum depression are receiving more attention, making women's healthcare a central focus of innovation in the industry.

All Things Distributed Tech predictions for 2024 and beyond - Werner Vogels

47 Hardware may halt growth

Hardware shortages, particularly in GPUs, are impacting AI development. NVIDIA's A100 and H100 GPUs have been in high demand, with some estimates suggesting that training models like GPT4 may require up to 25,000 GPUs. While Intel and AMD offer alternatives, the widely-used 'CUDA' SDK is limited to NVIDIA hardware. New GPU generations like NVIDIA's H200-series and Intel's Gaudi3 are expected in 2024, potentially easing shortages. However, this depends on manufacturers' support for older hardware and the market's willingness to use them. Geopolitical factors, like export restrictions due to information security concerns, are also contributing to shortages, affecting the availability of powerful GPUs and impacting AI developers in certain regions.

Taylor Wessing UK Predictions 2024

48 Individualised AI Consumption

In today's rapidly evolving and intricate content consumption landscape, media and entertainment enterprises face intense competition and uncertainty. To address these challenges, companies are restructuring their entire business models to centre around individual preferences, utilizing data and consumption patterns to customize their offerings. Artificial intelligence offers substantial opportunities for businesses ready to invest in personalized experiences. In 2024, AI is set to redefine our content consumption habits and methods, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of media and technology.

GP Bullhound 2024 Predictions

49 Battery Tech becomes sexy

The focus on sustainable energy and renewables has made progress, but the challenge in the 21st century is not just generating sustainable energy but also effective energy storage, especially in batteries. While lithium-ion batteries are common due to their high energy density, they come with safety and ethical concerns. Other emerging battery technologies like Lithium-sulfur, Metal-Air, Sodium-Ion, Nanowire, and Solid-state batteries offer unique advantages and challenges. In 2024, understanding and adopting these evolving battery technologies will be crucial for addressing climate change and ensuring our survival on a warming Earth.

Pourquois Pas 24 Tech predictions for 2024

50 Augmented Reality Adverts

With the rise of VR/AR technology, traditional physical advertising is set to transform. As devices like Apple VisionPro and AR-enabled contact lenses become more prevalent, advertising will shift from being location-based to becoming highly personalized and targeted towards individuals. This evolution is likely to render physical billboards and media obsolete, making way for hyper-targeted ads delivered directly to individuals in specific locations. Get ready for Minority Report-style targeting. 

Dice Top 4 Tech Predictions for 2024

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Vishal Sharma (ILM Certified)

Experienced Digital Banker turned UK EdTech Expert | Sustainability Enthusiast | Global ScaleUp | Lean Six Sigma & Brand Expert


Fantastic and absorbing read !!! Thanks Rahim Hirji for the share 💐💐

Rahim Hirji

Edtech | Education | Technology


Also, some great reports here, for those interested in staying ahead of the game as we get to mid January. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rahimhirji_is-2024-already-feeling-overwhelming-here-activity-7150470859877433346-91af

Hena Husain

⚡️Cultural Relevancy | 📈Breaking down trends | Culture. Tech. Content. Comms. 🚀 Empowering those at the helm.


will dig in! Rahim Hirji

Ignacio Ramirez Moreno, CFA

Finance nerd 🤓 | Posts about investing, trading, research & financial markets 📈


Thx for the mention, Rahim! Will try to come up with some other cool AI finance use cases this year 🤖💖💪

Lee Hawkins The go to in-house Coach for organisations

Executive & Personal Coach helping clients be their absolute best/ more confident, less imposter syndrome, more success/ Ex-agency lead @ Apple /Home of #CoachingCuriosity / The go-to in-house coach for all organisations


This is a terrific list. Thanks for sharing.

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