Kennedy family supports Biden

Kennedy family supports Biden

I have never posted on any social media before but am sharing this photo of the Kennedy family at the White House with President Biden. I along with other family members support President Biden's re-election and although we love our relative Robert F Kennedy Jr on a personal level, we emphatically oppose his unwise and dangerous candidacy.  

Those who are considering voting for him must understand that polling is showing that he is pulling predominantly from Democratic and uncommitted voters and that his bid for the Whitehouse is currently the greatest risk to re- elect Donald Trump. 

In 2000 Ralph Nader pulled votes from Al Gore and swung the election to George Bush which set back green energy for decades and resulted in a disastrous war in Iraq.

I am sympathetic to those who may feel disaffected on one or more issues but in this case, voting for RFK Jr will swing the election in a much more consequential and devastating way than in 2000 . Should Donald Trump be re-elected, our democratic process is at risk. This is a mistake we can not afford as a country.

I have known RFK Jr since I was a child. We attended Harvard together and my father ran Senator Robert F Kennedy's campaign for Senate in 1964 and his presidential campaign in 1968. Our family has always worked together, so it's difficult to speak out against a family member. But when RFK Jr decided to run he didn't call me to ask for help because he knew I would oppose his candidacy due to his misguided stands on issues, his poor judgement, and tenuous relationship with the truth. 

 I authored a book on President Kennedy, who signed to Vaccine Act in 1962 '' to provide vaccination for all Americans, particularly those who are young", RFK Jr knew I would disagree with his irresponsible and inaccurate statement that " there is no such thing as a vaccine that is safe and effective" and be dismayed by the fact that he has put lives at risk by spreading inaccurate public health information. 

I served as a foriegn policy aide in the US Senate and it is sad and ironic that RFK Jr, the nephew of JFK, who risked his life to fight tyranny, has characterized the government of Vladimir Putin as " well intentioned" regarding Ukraine and said that President Zelensky , who won the Profiles in Courage Award from the JFK Library Foundation " could have avoided the war" 

There are many other issues on which RFK differs from the Kennedy family values including promoting false information, conspiracy theories, and social mistrust instead of a hopeful unifying message. It is very sad to have to write this but I share the view of his siblings that he does not have the vision, values or judgement of RFK Sr. 

Lastly, Bobby is backed by Republican donors in a very deliberate attempt to re- elect Donald Trump. The largest donor to his SuperPAC is Tim Mellon, an heir to a banking fortune, who gave 15.000,000 to RFK Jr's PAC and 20,000,000 to Donald Trump. 

Bobby is unquestionably intelligent and can be quite compelling as a speaker. But If you're thinking of voting for RFK Jr, please ask yourself why many of the people who know him best are against his candidacy. The answer is he is now the greatest risk to re-elect Donald Trump , and that is a mistake we cannot afford to make.

Karen Hansen

Licensed Insurance Agent @ UnitedHealthcare Global | Technology Representative @ Intel


RFK NO SPOILER PLEDGEBoth parties agree to fund a 50 state poll in October 2024 of 30,000 likely voters. The survey will test the votes of a head to head race pitting President Biden against President Trump and a second head to head race pitting Mr Kennedy against Mr Trump.  Both parties pledge that whomever performs weakest against President Trump in a 2 man contest will drop out of the Presidential race. In a 2nd video RFKJR says he will sign the same agreement with Donald Trump, if the will of the people is that against Biden. 

Ryan Degaraff

Development Associate at Ripley Heatwole Company, Entrepreneur, and Rising Senior Business Student at JMU


I appreciate your sentiment Mr. Smith, but Bobby stands for the common American and is the only candidate to call out the problems we're facing and lay out a solution. We let Trump and Biden rack up a national debt unheard of in this country; neither of them deserve a second chance, why should we give either another? This piece is written out of fear of the other side instead of confidence in a candidate and Bobby is the first candidate to make myself and many others feel hopeful and confident.

S Harris

Specialist at CIA


When and why did Stephen Edward Smith, Jr. change his name to Stephen Kennedy Smith?

Christopher B.

Founder and CEO, Perimeter Group Intl @magicalyearretreats


I cannot argue the points you made, which do not differ from what I've heard from friends who know Mr. Kennedy. The reason they fall on deaf ears with those enticed by him and Mr. Trump, and the reason his voice is important for the national dialogue despite the risks, are your two most relevant words: disaffected and sympathetic. Respectfully, your "class," the ruling class, comprised heavily of Ivy League graduates, more than a few of whom are my friends, has failed too many Americans. This is only partially due to the fact that it is effectively impossible for them to understand most American's lives. Kennedy and Trump are a symptom of, and the answer for, those unheard and left behind by decades of failed and misguided decisions and policy that created the nation in which we live, one with too many metrics trending in the wrong direction, and wealth inequality not seen since the Gilded Age. Packer's "The Unwinding" and Murray's "Coming Apart" are informative, and broadly correspond with what I witnessed during years of travel and thousands of conversations across the country, which I describe in a forthcoming book. What I witnessed was too often tragic, heart breaking, needless, and nothing short of a national embarrassment.

Karen Hansen

Licensed Insurance Agent @ UnitedHealthcare Global | Technology Representative @ Intel


What is really needed and wanted is a debate between Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Biden. What do you think folks? And add Trump in? Wow.


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