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Baby W’s case raises critical questions: What is science and who is an expert?

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On Tuesday night we heard the decision of the New Zealand High Court Judge in the Baby W case, who ruled that the state should enforce a transfusion from the national blood bank in defiance of the wishes of the parents. He declined to allow an obvious and simple workaround of donated unvaccinated blood. In so doing, he was ruling on a scientific matter, but was his ruling scientific? What is science and who is an expert?

Note: The High Court Judge ruled that the baby involved in the case cannot be named hence the baby is referred to as ‘Baby W’.

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By Dr. Guy Hatchard

To qualify as science, a theory must accurately describe a large class of observations or measurements on the basis of a model or set of rules which is simple and plausible. Crucially it must make definite and accurate predictions about the results of future measurements. If its predictions fail to agree with measurement, the theory should be adjusted or in some cases it might need to be abandoned and a new theory sought.

This was the case with the early Egyptian theory that the sun and the planets go around the earth in a set of crystal spheres. The model was adjusted to try to account for the observation of retrograde motions of planets, but eventually it became very complicated and didn’t ever quite fit observed planetary positions. When Galileo saw the moons of Jupiter through a telescope, the theory was abandoned and the sun-centred ideas of Copernicus were accepted.

Adequate theories must make predictions which can in principle be falsified by experiments. For example, a theory which predicts that a jolly green giant lives at the centre of the earth is not scientific because it cannot be proved right or wrong, as no one can travel there to look. Nor is such a theory plausible. A person who claims to be an expert on jolly green giants, should rightly be laughed at and dismissed.

The public has been offered a relatively simple theory of the action of mRNA vaccines. They invade a few of our cells, instruct the cells to produce spike proteins which are similar to those found on the surface of the Covid virus. The immune system detects these and in theory learns to neutralise the Covid virus if and when we are exposed to it. The physiology is supposed to rapidly clean up any excess spike protein or vaccine ingredients within a few days of vaccination. 

It won’t have escaped your notice that a lot of predictions about the effect of Covid vaccines have been found to be false when actual health data is examined. They are clearly not effective or safe as claimed. Recent data indicates they fail to even provide protection against severe disease or death. They appear to suppress immune system function and leave some recipients vulnerable to a range of illnesses.

So, is the theory of mRNA vaccines incomplete or even wrong? It seems so. Fragments of genetic material in the vaccine are more mobile than first thought and last longer, months even in some cases. The immune system appears to be confused by this in some way that is not yet fully understood. Blood clots may be generated. So, has the theory been adjusted? No. Governments, medical experts, and the media have unaccountably been doubling down on the theory and cancelling critics. This is not the normal process of scientific debate, in fact, it is not science at all. It involves a measure of prejudice and hubris.

You must have experienced that sinking feeling when you have said or done something wrong. Generally, wishing to avoid embarrassment and blame, we rush to correct our mistakes and apologise. Occasionally, as is sometimes the case with the young, we may protest our innocence against all evidence or try to hide the evidence. 

There is another kind of response that can arise if we are particularly invested in what we were doing at the time and expecting a good result or some gain. The disappointment of failure can lead to self-justifying anger. Anger clouds our judgment, which leads us to describe or even remember the actual events differently. When we lie to ourselves or others in this way, our rational faculty gets suppressed. If we are not careful, one thing leads to another and we get caught in a web of deceit.

This seems to have been happening as cracks have appeared in the pandemic response and the official narrative has unravelled. Yesterday the 11-year-old son of a prominent entertainer collapsed on the sports field. According to a news report the father said “He was going blue and was unconscious until he calmed down. It was scary, but it turned out to be a panic attack”. It was suggested this could have been brought on by the son’s desire to impress his father with his performance.

The media agreed, and reported this reassuring advice from the NHS: “there are a number of symptoms of a panic attack including a racing heartbeat, feeling faint, chest pain and shortness of breath.”  They omitted to mention that becoming unconscious and turning blue are definitely not normal results of a panic attack. In fact, chest pain, racing heartbeat, feeling faint and shortness of breath are all symptoms of myocarditis which is a known side effect of mRNA vaccination, especially prevalent among under-40s, including school children. 

The incident should be added to a long list of tragic events on the sports field that are occurring in unprecedented numbers. When I say “unprecedented,” I don’t mean this in the sense of a casual turn of phrase. Given what typically happened (or rather didn’t happen) pre-pandemic, the current rate of events on the sports field should be a statistical impossibility. A tenfold increase should raise panicked alarm, an almost hundredfold increase, as has been estimated by some, should have compelled medical authorities to revise everything they thought they knew about mRNA vaccination. It hasn’t.

What is going on is medical gaslighting. Victims are being sent home with false diagnoses and reassurances that their serious and unusual symptoms are mild, short-lived, or ordinary, and unrelated to vaccination. This does not bode well for the future evolution of the pandemic response and our health system in general. Authorities are deliberately looking the other way in the face of accumulating evidence of risk and harm. The public are being fobbed off with suggestions they are merely weak or anxious.

There is a fundamental problem here. There are a lot of experts in epidemiology, virology, vaccines, and public health who know next to nothing about biotechnology and gene therapy. My guess is they are experiencing that sinking feeling increasingly these days as new health data comes in falsifying all their preconceived ideas, but instead of correcting their mistakes and revising naive opinions, they are getting angry. From the start they should not have pretended that they were experts on biotechnology, they never were.

Now the media, medical authorities, governments, and a number of high-profile experts are caught in a web of deceit. Like the confused or proud astronomers adding new crystal wheels to their planetary models in order to prop up their theories of the Heavens, they are adding new medical diagnoses to protect the illusion that interfering with genetic structures and functions is inherently safe – an illusion they themselves created or endorsed without having sufficient, or even in some cases any knowledge and evidence. Others are withholding or hiding medical data including the incidence of disease or the vaccination status of victims.

In essence, the authorities have been caught in a lie and they are trying to lie their way out of it. As a result, they are failing to warn the population of an increasingly obvious and serious danger to individual and public health posed by Covid vaccines. In the process, they are putting the health of children and adults at risk by continuing to advise that mRNA vaccines are safe whilst pontificating about their own position and status and their right to decide the fate of others. Time to come down off their high horse and admit that jolly green giants don’t exist except in fables and advertising jingles. It is a very serious matter, a matter of scientific validity and public safety. 

Scientists and experts: if you were expecting to make your reputation and your fortune during the pandemic, you can salvage what is left by immediately and publicly admitting a mistake has been made and a wrong impression created that urgently needs to be corrected. Lives are at stake every day in the home, on the sports field, and at work. All-cause mortality has reached record levels here and in highly vaccinated countries overseas. A silent killer has been let loose amongst us.

About the Author

Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

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1 year ago

The nail in the coffin for Baby W, was when the dad referred to the baby as “child”. Using the rightful term of “property” would have yielded a different result.]
The word “baby” is of the word Babylon.
The word “child” etymologically is chilled/killed.
“Baby” and “child” are words that exist in the world of fiction. Not in the world of reality where Son and Daughter are the maxim.

1 year ago

Again, a very concise and eloquent piece of mr Hatchard. Thank you for bringing rationale and reason into a world of confusion and deceit.

1 year ago

The sick decision makers only get sicker in the head

1 year ago

What a brutal and sadistic turn of events. Alms for Big Pharma? Or another feather in Gates’ depopulation mania? Time will tell.

1 year ago

I don’t want to talk about it….

1 year ago

They are more embarrassed about being exposed in that their position was based more on financial gains than saving lives and humanity.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Dr. Hatchard has a lot of good things to say on theories and what ‘experts’ think they do or don’t know, I call it “stabbing in the dark”, or should I say jabbing?
In the same breath Hatchard uses the terms “covid vaccine” and “covid virus”; but only one of the aforementioned is true-there is no virus.

1 year ago

My hear bleeds over that little one and parents, an injustice which real people, who are compliant with the filth, nod their heads to.

The label science applies to people who have open, inquiring minds and follow them where they lead. The science is about imposing lies.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

It’s so hard to understand the totality of what’s doing what’s being done to us, which is dehumanisation.

The filth aren’t capable of doing the giant leaps of wisdom real humans are, they know the price of everything but VALUE of nothing. They’re bean counters who seek total power but ugly as things are, eminently defeatable. Which is why they want to force us to see nothing but the cruel ugliness do.

Impossible to explain more than a smidgeon of my thoughts by text, most have lost the ability to share in a true wide ranging discussion with others. Largely agree with this article:
What the filth think, believe and do is heinous, they’re not capable of any better, which is something to explore as to why not. They are total psychopaths who have formed their club over millennia and found their groove in the last 900 years.

Time to remove the stylus.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

So sorry, this is how this post should have read:

It’s so hard to understand the totality of what’s being done to us, which is dehumanisation.

The filth aren’t capable of doing the giant leaps of wisdom real humans are, they know the price of everything but VALUE of nothing. They’re bean counters who seek total power but ugly as things are, eminently defeatable. Which is why they want to force us to see nothing but the cruel ugliness they do.

Impossible to explain more than a smidgeon of my thoughts by text, most have lost the ability to share in a true wide ranging discussion with others. Largely agree with this article:

What the filth think, believe and do is heinous, they’re not capable of any better, which is something to explore as to why not. They are total psychopaths who have formed their club over millennia and found their groove in the last 900 years.
Time to remove the stylus.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

Forgot to say “The Science” is an abomination, designed to impose lies.

Real Science is about wondering and inquiring about what we perceive.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

The filth want us to agree with their ugly, very limited version of reality and currently have the power to enforce it.

Only takes saying NO to defeat them. Personally known what’s coming for about 40 years, i grieve for what’s lost but it was an evil system which had to be destroyed.

True people are what will survive this, i have no doubt our loving Creator/Designer weeps for us but this must be. So many will stop existing, really believe hell is a lie so that’s the end for most.

Personally sure most of the Bible is lies but there is a core theme which makes it precious. Think Adam and Eve were prepubescent in the Garden of Eden but lovingly taught. We don’t know how long they lived in such delight but they were taught goodness. Personally think the tree of good and evil existed, not to test them but to help prepare them when children came. They’d have needed the knowledge then to promote a world worth living in, we aren’t slaves, we have choice.

Their fall from perfection screwed it all up but our Creator didn’t destroy us, instead of destroying us they offered the opportunity of setting wrong right.

Hope this thinking is right.

Reply to  Demeter
1 year ago

“Most of the Bible is lies”? That is quite a statement, coming from such an one who believes (somewhat!) in the creation account! How would you even know that much was true?

As for me I believe the Holy Bible is 100% correct-that is I believe 100% in the plenary inspiration of the Scripture of Truth-in the original tongues of which God has preserved the manuscripts thereof.

There are many bad translations abounding in the present day-I grant you that much.

Reply to  Islander
1 year ago

It’s important to realise that the Bible is a collection of books in different genres: History, History told as written-down folk memory, a couple of law books, a book of songs (psalms) proverbs, short stories (Ruth, Job, Tobias) More history, a collection of letters, and several books of prophecy including the last one, which concerns our future and the end of the world. The books of prophecy are usually written in terms of symbolism, and often the same event is told. more than once from different standpoints. The important thing to remember is that all these books are written by people — some educated, many not — under the inspiration (Holy Spirit) of God concerning the moral and spiritual progress of the human race, which, though subject to mortality, if mortal and destined to live forever either in happiness or misery based on 1) Whether they were honest or dishonest, 2) sought truth or lived by lies, and 3) worshiped and obeyed God as they understood Him. Dr Jordan Peterson, as a psychologist but not a Christian, has in many YouTube lectures showed the profound wisdom of this book and pointed out that our deep individual and cultural identity, Western Civilisation and its ethical and legal mores are built on the mind-set of the Bible; and we ignore it at our psychological peril. The best modern English translation preserving both 1) the meaning of the original, and 2) the formal and poetic speech of people (learned or not) talking about sacred things is that of Monsignior Ronald Knox, a profoundly learned scholar of ancient languages and himself a gifted writer with a graceful but unobtrusive style. This translation is unjustly forgotten by Catholics as well as Protestants, because it was done in the post- World War II, Zeitgeist; when it was unappreciated as so much else was happening in the culture and the church. It has, however, endured as a modern classic of both scholarship and literary merit. It doesn’t help that contemporary reprints are expensive, (£30+) and old (cheap) copies are hard to find. I haunt charity shops and have picked up 3 battered copies (one for £1!) over the years, which I treasure.

1 year ago

It’s highly unlikely that RNA fragments (or even the hypothetical ‘spike protein’) are causing clots. RNA in free circulation would be quickly broken down by enzymes that exist for that purpose.
The real cause of the clotting has to be found in the lipid nanoparticles, and in particular their graphene oxide component (which China’s SINOPEG specialises in grafting together in hydrogels).
With respect to blood donations, a Swiss naturopath is creating a service specifically for unvaccinated donors and reciepients:

K Roo
K Roo
1 year ago

Whoa. What a pile of boolshite! You wouldn’t know an expert from a kangaroo!

Reply to  K Roo
1 year ago


1 year ago

[…] Baby W’s case raises critical questions: What is science and who is an expert? […]

1 year ago

Tragic and game over in NZ. Many thanks to the King ( so he calls him self ) of England.

1 year ago

[…] Read More: Baby W’s case raises critical questions: What is science and who is an expert? […]

1 year ago

[…] Read More: Baby W’s case raises critical questions: What is science and who is an expert? […]

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