Bali Governor Restricts Israeli National Football Team from Competing in Bali
March 21, 2023 | 07:52 pm

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Bali Governor I Wayan Koster forbids the Israeli national football team to come to Bali to compete in the U-20 World Cup 2023. Wayan's rejection letter addressed to the Minister of Youth and Sport Zainuddin Amali went viral recently.
"With regards to the participation of the Israeli football team, we expressed our view that the political policy of Israel against Palestine, which is not in accordance with the political policy of the Republic of Indonesia, which, until today, remains a serious regional political matter, and the lack of diplomatic relationship between the government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Israeli government," Wayan's letter No. T.00.426/11470/SEKRET states.
"In relation to the aforementioned issue, we hoped that the Minister would implement a policy to restrict the team from Israel from competing in Bali. We, the government of Bali Province, declared our rejection of the participation of the Israeli team to compete in Bali," the letter continues.
The letter was dated March 14, 2023. Meanwhile, Zainuddin Amali officially resigned from his position as the Minister of Youth and Sports after his resignation letter was approved by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on March 13, 2023. Zainuddin is currently assuming the position of PSSI Deputy Chairman. The position of the Minister of Youth and Sports is temporarily filled by Acting Minister Muhajdir Effendy.
The arrival of the Israeli national team had caused polemics and resulted in multiple rejections by many parties. Some of the parties rejecting the Israeli national football team are the Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI); the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS); the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS Indonesia) movement; the Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C); the Aqsa Working Group (AWG); the Indonesian Committee for Islamic World Solidarity (KISDI); and the Solo Raya Alliance.
Muhadjir Effendy stated that he will try to reach a middle ground related to the massive rejection of the Israeli national football team.
"We are discussing it with FIFA because they have a sub-coordinative regulation, which conforms to regulations in each country. We will try to find a compromise in accordance with the moral values of the 1945 Constitution." Muhadjir said on Monday, March 20, 2023.
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