CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21
For the most up-to-date version of CFR Title 21, go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR).6
Other Databases
- 510(k)s7
- De Novo8
- Medical Device Reports (MAUDE)9
- CDRH Export Certificate Validation (CECV)10
- CDRH FOIA Electronic Reading Room11
- CLIA12
- Device Classification13
- FDA Guidance Documents 14
- Humanitarian Device Exemption 15
- Medsun Reports16
- Premarket Approvals (PMAs)17
- Post-Approval Studies18
- Postmarket Surveillance Studies19
- Radiation-Emitting Products20
- Radiation-Emitting Electronic Products Corrective Actions21
- Recalls22
- Registration & Listing23
- Standards24
- Total Product Life Cycle25
- X-Ray Assembler26