The 6 major shifts happening in 2023
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From reclaiming our inner sovereignty to manifesting our wildest imaginings — this is the year we stop talking about that brave new world. 

We create it. 

Here are the six major astrological events that you need to know about in 2023.

1. Mars retrograde ends
January 12th, 2023

By now, we’re all familiar with the internet’s double-entendres, analysis paralysis, and scattershot social media posts for clicks and clout. This three-ring circus of chaos has its positive side sometimes, such as when Twitter’s revised blue check policy led to a swell of impersonator accounts that hilariously undermined corporate giants. Mars found itself in hyper-trickster mode while retrograde in Gemini, disrupting capitalism and corporate monopolies. We love to see it.      

Still, if cyberspace has felt especially prickly these last months, relief is in sight for our overloaded neural networks... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

2. Saturn enters Pisces
March 7th, 2023

Saturn is the planet associated with discipline, commitment, structure, and resilience. After 2.5 years of Saturn at home in Aquarius, 2023 brings a sea-change. The cosmic ruler-maker trades its Aquarian lab coat for Pisces’ flippers and scuba mask on March 7th

For the past six years, Saturn has traveled through the two signs that it rules — Capricorn (late 2017 to 2020) and Aquarius (2020 to 2023). While there, the planet of boundaries was empowered to do what it does best: set rules and restrictions. In Pisces, Saturn will build foundations a little differently... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

3. Pluto enters Aquarius
March 23rd, 2023
Pluto is the planet associated with wealth, power, secrets, mystery, death, and underworld journeys. When it enters Aquarius on March 23rd, Pluto will carry those themes into the realm of information technology, data, science, systems of power, and communal potency... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.
4. Jupiter enters Taurus
May 16th, 2023

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, wisdom, and luck. In Aries, where Jupiter journeyed from May 10th to October 27th, 2022, and where it passed through again from December 20th, 2022 to May 16th, 2023, Jupiter has had a wildfire mentality. It goes big and doesn’t always worry about getting home. This is a bring-your-own-self-restraint type of astrology — and you may have felt reluctant to do so. 

Jupiter will trade its ram fleece for a pair of bull horns on May 16th, when it enters Taurus... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

5. Lunar nodes enter Aries and Libra
July 17th, 2023

This year, one eclipse story ends and another begins as the lunar nodes, which are part of what cause eclipses, enter Aries and Libra. The North Node, mythologized as the head of a hungry dragon, will enter Aries on July 17th. Exactly opposite the North Node, the South Node (the tail of that dragon) will enter Libra at the same time. In 2023, we will witness the final eclipses in the signs Taurus and Scorpio and the first eclipses in Aries and Libra... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

5. Venus retrograde in Leo
July 22nd – September 3rd, 2023
The Venus retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd will happen in Leo — a sign associated with creativity, self-expression, and flair. A sign that’s, well, a little extra. Don’t be alarmed if your usual channels of inspiration and vitality feel clogged around this time. Retrogrades signal a turning-in. They’re fruitful periods for reflection and review, but not so generative for traditional notions of “moving forward”... READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE.

Check out our post to get all the details. We wish you a truly joyful and abundant 2023.
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