Protofire is Building a Safe Astar

Jerad | Astar
Astar Network
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2022


We have partnered with Protofire to deploy Astar Safe–a fork of Gnosis Safe Multisig–to improve transaction security for Astar Network. You can now manage funds through a multi-signature wallet, an essential infrastructure tool that is needed to build robust applications on Astar. Avalanche, Polygon and DAO funds, including Uniswap and Aave, have already adopted Gnosis Safe Multisig as a part of their key handling policies.

Creating a Astar Safe

Protofire shares our vision of accelerating ecosystem growth by delivering critical developer tools to builders. Additionally, Protofire has received a grant from the Web3 foundation to develop Mempool Explorer on Polkadot and successfully deployed Moonbeam Safe. Already being familiar with building on top of Polkadot-JS and interacting with other ecosystem projects made Protofire our first choice to build and maintain our Astar Safe Multisig.

The Protofire team successfully deployed Astar Safe and will continue to provide the latest updates adopted by the Gnosis team–including smart contract updates, user and developer features, and general support for infrastructure security. This regular maintenance ensures that projects have the latest security standards and user experience when using our multisig solution.

What is Astar Safe?

Astar Safe is a smart contract wallet running on Astar EVM that allows you to define a multi-signature control scheme. Once set-up it requires a preset number of signers to approve a transaction. For instance, a wallet can have four owners for an account and require a threshold of two signers. This means 2 of the 4 owners must agree and sign a transaction for it to be confirmed. Projects can now add an additional layer of security to their asset management, mitigating the risk of unauthorized token loss, loss of private keys, and external cyberattacks.

Setting up your Astar Safe account can be completed in 5 minutes. You can create your multisig wallet by visiting the official Astar Safe website. Also, we have already updated our official docs page with a guide, here–perfect for those who are new to Gnosis Safe interface.

About Astar

Astar Network — the Innovation Hub on Polkadot. Astar Network supports the building of dApps with EVM and WASM smart contracts and offers developers true interoperability, with cross-consensus messaging (XCM). We are made by developers and for developers. Astar’s unique Build2Earn model empowers developers to get paid through a dApp staking mechanism for the code they write and dapps they build.

Astar’s vibrant ecosystem has become Polkadot’s leading Parachain globally, supported by all major exchanges and tier 1 VCs. Astar offers the flexibility of all Ethereum and WASM toolings for developers to start building their dApps. To accelerate growth on Polkadot and Kusama Networks, Astar Space Labs offers an Incubation Hub for top TVL dApps.

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