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Robert Yoho, MD, a top physician, has written this award-winning book to help you see through the lies, handle hospitals, find trustworthy doctors, and master your drugs. 

Learn how to avoid disgracefully ineffective and overused treatments such as:

Angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery

Low back and endoscopic knee surgeries 

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 

Hysterectomies and Caesarean sections 

Learn how toxic medications destroy health and how to quit them. 

70 percent of us take prescription drugs, 20% of us more than five

A 6th of us take psych drugs, causing brain damage and early death

Cholesterol medicines are nearly worthless but are used by one in ten

Opioids: millions take them and fifty thousand die of overdoses yearly

Most cancer treatments are complete failures

Generic medications are often weak or ineffective

Learn how big Pharma sells drugs by faking their studies. Understand the lies they stuff into websites and medical journals. Learn why it all gets ignored (hint: Pharma has the largest criminal settlements in history).

Learn how to conquer healthcare costs. Medical spending per person is double that of other countries and it is the top reason for US personal bankruptcy. I will show you how to escape the over-billing and prosper anyway.

Money short-circuits everyone’s integrity. But if you read this book and learn the system, you can find first-rate healthcare at reasonable prices. 

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