GSE Deliverables (Cohort-1)

First of all, I’m sorry if my previous comments came a little harsh. I deeply appreciate the work that the GSE folks have done.

All of the deflationary mechanisms in these come from membership requirements in one way or another. This unfortinatly is not 99% of the proposal, but rather comes from leveling with graduated bank requirements, Limited guess passes (which I agree should be limited to 6 months or so. etc. I’m not opposed to these things, but I think that BanklessDAO is much larger than a social DAO, and should also request from it’s profit making arms some kickback to the main DAO.

People on the profit making projects within the DAO care about the dao. Has the main DAO body simply asked for some funding of the treasury from these projects?

Re: making membership harder, my understanding is that the season pass would be required to participate in at least some DAO core activities. I understand this proposal is still in the works though!

I agree that flywheel elements can be combined with other more traditional income producing elements. The flywheel elements will likely be less effective during non-growth periods of the DAO, however. I worry that the Season pass, if expensive enough, may also reduce membership of the DAO.

High value things that banklessDAO is creating… I’m not fa: Bankless Research, Bankless card, DAO Dash, Marketing and writing guild external work, media properties, Bankless consulting, Bpublishing, Fight club(maybe?), DAO heat, AMA’s, Bankless Advisor, etc.

How is the DAO assured of reaping a portion of the rewards of these projects? Through multiple round investment in BANK? I’d propose a baseline (even something small, like 1-2%) of the profits from these projects be asked to be returned to the main treasury.

Totally might be missing something here, and you all have been looking at this longer than me. Thanks for all your hard work!