Dapp Version Upgrade | Dashboard & vToken & Farming board Optimisation


We recently updated the Bifrost app to version 1.5.0 with new features and optimizations. Here are the inclusions and redesigns:

Dashboard Redesign

The Dashboard is a hub for information aggregation and a quick entry point for users to see the information they may be interested in first. In previous versions, the Dashboard mainly hosted an overview of the prominent protocols on the Bifrost network. As Bifrost has evolved, we feel that users are more interested in information about themselves and specific crucial details about the protocols. We reworked and optimized the Dashboard, dividing it into six main sections.

TVL Card

An intuitive metric for the DeFi protocol is the TVL, which shows the trend and composition of the total TVL for the Bifrost network. The update incorporates easy viewing of Bifrost’s TVL to tracking Bifrost’s developments.

Asset Cards

The Asset Card is a window aggregating information about assets supported on Bifrost’s network and derivatives linked to Bifrost’s various businesses. Our update includes ready viewing for:

  • Total asset value
  • Total number of BNC passes a user holds
  • Real-time price of BNC passes
  • Total revenue mined by a user
  • Type of asset a user holds

Clicking on any content in the Asset Card will quickly jump to the details page of the corresponding feature, simplifying the reach for the relevant attribute.

vCrowdloan Cards

The SALP protocol helps users to participate in Parachain slot auctions unique to the Polkadot ecosystem while releasing liquidity from long-locked assets. We note that the availability of active slot auctions is a more intuitive decision point for users to identify whether they need to follow the module or not. The vCrowdloan card shows the real-time progress of slot auctions in the Polkadot & Kusama network. Users who see an auction in progress may quickly access the vCrowdloan module to bid on slots via a shortcut in the card. The card also provides quick access to the Bond Market and Bond Conversion, two crucial functions for liquidity release in derivatives.

vStaking Cards

vStaking is the core product of Bifrost. The liquidity staking product matrix has been built over time and now has three derivatives, vDOT, vKSM, and vETH, with a rapidly growing range of vTokens soon. The new vStaking card allows users to readily view all the launched vTokens and the corresponding yield and increase in gain compared to the original chain stakings, giving an overview of the vToken landscape. It is also a quick access point to the vToken for easy access to the corresponding vToken product by clicking on the corresponding vToken.

News section

Since the launch of Bifrost’s website, we’ve adhered to the roadmap. We’re constantly developing and improving Bifrost; however, the roadmap may not be sufficient to carry the latest Bifrost developments and the current price point. Our news update showcases the latest Bifrost developments and announcements to keep users up to date with our products and provide in-depth information about Bifrost. Click on the corresponding news title to jump to the news details.

Rainbow Boost Entry

Our popular Rainbow Boost campaign entry remains in place, with ready user access from the Dashboard.

vToken Function Optimization

New Yield Analysis Panel

With the launch of various derivatives products, we have found that users are often confused about the APY displayed in the product. How is the APY calculated, why does the APY often change, and why do you not achieve the stated APY after minting your tokens?

To address these questions, we’ve included a new revenue analysis panel opened via Dapp → vToken → Analyze. You will readily view real-time average returns for different periods, additional returns provided by Bifrost, and the corresponding trend curve. We have added a trend of the average return on original chain stakings for easy comparison. Users get a clearer picture of vToken’s earnings with the earnings analysis panel.

Mint Redemption Supports Bi-directional Input

When minting and redeeming vTokens, users can not only modify the quantity by inputting the value but also the corresponding quantity of the operation by inputting and outputting the value. It is no longer necessary to calculate the vTokens that want to mint a specific amount of tokens, and the minting operation is smoother.

Optimisation of vToken Price Curve Display Operation

You can now switch between the Redeem single price graph and the Redeem & Swap price graph comparison view. Clicking on the show Swap Price Curve, users view the system redemption price and compare the market price of vToken.

Optimize vETH wallet connection logic

We received feedback concerning wallet connection when using vETH products. Our Bifrost update includes optimized vETH’s corresponding wallet connection logic. If you encounter problems during the connection process, you can display relevant tips and assist users in switching to the correct network.

Farming Card Sorting and Filtering Logic Optimised

We refined the card type and sorting logic in Farming 2.0 for better filtering and sorting of the finished Farming 1.0 and the latest Farming cards.


Above are the main changes in the upgrade of Bifrost Dapp 1.5.0. We’ve also optimized the details in use. If you have any questions or suggestions in the process of using Bifrost Dapp, please join our community feedback and discussion.

Welcome to the bifrost.app experience!

