The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The building looked like a Pizza Hut. This aficionado of suburban architecture was convinced it used to be something else.

Perspective by
February 28, 2022 at 1:21 p.m. EST
This Pizza Hut in Landover wasn’t always a Pizza Hut. Reston blogger Addison Del Mastro was determined to discover the building’s history. (Addison Del Mastro)
4 min

Our suburbs can seem indistinguishable from one another — and indistinguishable within themselves: just endless, sidewalk-less accretions of tract homes, gas stations and strip shopping centers.

But grow up in the suburbs and you come to know the architecture as a cowboy knows the landmarks along his cattle drive: the Golden Arches of McDonald’s, the fauxdobe of Taco Bell, the rising sun of Roy Rogers. When the topography looks a little off, your brain notices.