Biden vs. Trump on Social Security Toolkit

CLIP: Trump demands cuts to Social Security


Donald Trump

Joe Biden


1. Donald Trump has confirmed he will make MASSIVE CUTS to Social Security and Medicare if he's reelected.

Joe Biden will protect and expand Social Security and Medicare by making millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share!

2. President Biden and the Democrats are working to protect and expand Social Security. 

Trump and his fellow Republicans are working to cut and privatize Social Security.

Social Security is on the ballot this November.

3. Our Social Security system is on the ballot this November.


Donald Trump is plotting to make MASSIVE CUTS if he returns to the White House.

4. REMINDER: Donald Trump tried to cut Social Security EVERY YEAR he was president and promises to cut benefits if re-elected!

5. Don't trust Donald Trump.

He has a long history of trying to cut, defund, and undermine Social Security.


ALT TEXT: A list of comparative political stances on Social Security between President Biden and Donald Trump. The top text says “Social Security is on the ballot.” On the left is a photo of President Biden smiling in front of a blue background with a checklist that says, “President Biden: Calls to protect and expand Social Security and Medicare. Makes millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share in taxes.” On the right is a photo of Trump yelling with a list that reads, “Donald Trump: Vows massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Demanding trillions in tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and greedy corporations.”

ALT TEXT: A dark red graphic with a photo of Donald Trump on the left. The text of the graphic reads, “Donald Trump versus Social Security: Proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare every year he was president. Said “we’re going to look” at cutting Social Security and Medicare if he gets a second term. Tried to defund Social Security.”

ALT TEXT: A graphic with a deep red background and a picture of Donald Trump speaking into a microphone and ripping a Social Security check in half. The text reads, “This is your reminder that Trump proposed cuts to Social Security and Medicare every year he was in office.”

ALT TEXT: A graphic with a deep blue background and a photo of President Biden speaking at a podium on the right. The white and yellow text quotes Biden, “Americans have paid into their Social Security and Medicare every single paycheck since they were 16 years old. I’m strengthening those programs. And if a piece of legislation lands on my desk that wants to gut them, I’ll veto it.”

ALT TEXT: A graphic with a red and black ombre background and a picture of President Biden on the left with his arms crossed and laser eyes. The quote from his 2024 State of the Union Address reads, “Republicans will cut Social Security and give more tax cuts to the wealthy. I will protect and strengthen Social Security and make the wealthy pay their fair share!"

ALT TEXT: A graphic of President Biden and Vice President Harris walking together with a tweet from Harris superimposed on the left. The text reads, “Trump and MAGA Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare. A vote for Joe Biden and me in November means protecting and expanding these bedrock programs–ensuring our seniors can retire with dignity.”

ALT TEXT: A black graphic with a quote on top and a photo of Donald Trump standing in front of an American flag on the bottom. The Trump quote says, “There’s a lot you can do… in terms of cutting [Social Securtiy, Medicare, and Medicaid]."

ALT TEXT: A red graphic with a photo of Donald Trump on the right looking menacing and a series of headlines superimposed on the left. The white text at the top reads, “Donald Trump wants to make massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare.” The CNN headline says, “Trump suggests he’s open to cuts to Medicare and Social Security after attacking primary rivals over the issue”. The Hill headline says, “Trump on Social Security, Medicare cuts: ‘There is a lot you can do’”. The Rolling Stone headline says, “Trump Floats Cuts to Social Security and Medicare."