Trump Claims He’s ‘Financially Supporting’ Jan. 6 Rioters, ‘Looking Very Favorably at Full Pardons’ With an ‘Apology’ if Reelected


Former President Donald Trump joined Newsmax host Wendy Bell on her radio show and claimed to be “financially supporting” Jan. 6 rioters and looking “very favorably” at “full pardons” for those already convicted and sentenced for their role in attacking the U.S. Capitol.

“How do we right this wrong? What can you do?” Bell, a former Pittsburgh-area anchor, asked Trump to begin the conversation.

“So I met with them a number of times, but I met with and I’m financially supporting people that are incredible,” Trump responded, adding:

And they were in my office actually two days ago. That’s very much on my mind. It’s a disgrace what they’ve done to them, what they’ve done to these people. It’s disgraceful.

And and mostly I mean, you know, it’s it’s firemen. They’re policemen. They’re people in the military. They’re people that were you know, you look at what took place with the police, where they’re ushering them in and so many different things.

Trump repeated a debunked claim on the right that police on Jan. 6 somehow facilitated the occupation of the U.S. Capitol, when in fact many of them were brutally attacked. 114 law enforcement officers reported injuries from the attack.

“And we’re working on it very hard. We’re working with legals, you know, this radical left system. People are sick. There’s something wrong with them. Nobody’s ever see anything like this and they don’t mind and they’re cold,” Trump continued in a clip flagged online by Ron Filipkowski.

“You know, they were telling me that some of these some of the legal people on the other side, they’re the most cold-hearted people. They don’t care about families. They don’t care about anything. They’re just and you see what they’re doing with the sentencing. And I will tell you and I’m looking at it very carefully, I’ve studied it. I study cases and contributions should be made. We have to do that because, you know, they have some good lawyers,” Trump continued, raging against the justice system.

“Can’t be fraudulent judges,” jumped in Bell.

“You get this, you get some of these judges that that are so as so nasty and so angry, mean the sentences. And I will tell you, I will look very, very favorably about full pardons if I decide to run. And if I win, I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons. Shameful,” he continued.

“Well-Deserved,” Bell chimed in, adding “Amen.”

“I think that’s probably going to be the best because even if they go forth for two months or six months and, you know, they have sentences become a lot longer than ten years and it will be looking very, very seriously at full pardons because we can’t let that happen. What’s happened here and I mean full pardons with an apology just too many,” Trump concluded.

In another clip from the show, Trump addressed the FBI raid on his private home and oddly claimed he believed the FBI was “looking for Hillary Clinton emails.” The Department of Justice has made clear the FBI recovered classified materials from Mar-a-Lago, which were supposed to have been turned over the National Archives.

Bell gladly agreed and noted Trump’s allegation makes sense as the FBI probably thought he “had the goods” on Hillary.

Watch the full clip above

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Alex Griffing is a Senior Editor at Mediaite. Send tips via email: Follow him on Twitter: @alexgriffing