Fedi Bravo is Here

Fedi Bravo is Here

Get a glimpse of what’s coming

Run by communities for you

Your Community Superapp with chat, money, and more

Run by communities for you

Your Community Superapp with chat, money, and more

Run by communities for you

Your Community Superapp with chat, money, and more

Run by communities for you

Your Community Superapp with chat, money, and more

ABout us

Powered by Communities

Powered by Community

Powered by Communities

We connect the most fundamental human technology — community — with freedom technologies to level up humanity.

We connect the most fundamental human technology — community — with freedom technologies to level up humanity.

It takes a village

It takes a village

Wherever people get together, Fedi helps to keep your money and information safe through your community.

We help your group or organisation keep money and information safe through your community.

Wherever people get together, Fedi helps to keep your money and information safe through your community.

Wherever people get together, Fedi helps to keep your money and information safe through your community.


Empower your community with freedom technology


Empower your community with freedom technology


Empower your community with freedom technology


Enhance your borderless operations, transparency, and security


Enhance borderless operations, transparency, and privacy


Enhance your borderless operations, transparency, and security


Enhance your borderless operations, transparency, and security


Explore resources for developers and technical enthusiasts



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Stay in touch

Get updates, news, product announcements, and reach out to us with your feedback