I went #1 on Reddit multiple times.. here's how

Hi IH,

So yesterday I launched my free google chrome extension ReaderMax.com

I posted about it here, here, and here.

I went #1 trending on both subreddit pages which each have over 100,000 members.

Here's how I did it...

Create lead magnet

A couple years ago I took an online course from a guy Josh Snow. He created snow teeth whitening, a high end teeth whitening D2C brand that was endorsed by the Kardashians and other big celebrities.

One thing that always stood out to me in his course was a hack that he used to use to get people to engage with his products.

He would create a Facebook ad that would tap into a common dream that people would have, the dream that resonated the most was one about having your teeth fall out while sleeping. This is apparently a common dream and a bit shocking to be honest. He wrote an article something along the lines of "What it means if you dream about your teeth falling out". There was a shocking image that was included in the ad of teeth falling out. It was a scroll stopper.

Interested people would stop scrolling in shock and read the text, if they related to it (meaning they had that dream or were interested), they clicked the link.

The link took them to the teeth whitening website where they would read an article about what it means to have that dream. At the end it came around to insecurity about teeth and suggested the reader try teeth whitening, then they would be recommended products with lots of testimonials.

This worked for him and I always thought it was genius.

In this case I wrote an article "I built an AI chrome extension to 10x your reading in 2 days... here's how"

The headline was apparently captivating and readers clicked it to hear more.

Be indirect

In the article I described the process of building the chrome extension in practical terms so that anyone can apply the same methods and create their own.

I also included roadblocks encountered so that it wasn't all rainbows and roses, I gave more of a practical reality of the process. For example I had to update files that I didn't know were deprecated.

At the end of the day, I was able to link to the product to show the result but the real point of the story was to give value to the reader; here's how to create an AI chrome extension quickly. They can apply this to their own life.

But if they're interested in the product I built, they can check that out too.

This is important because your Reddit post will get taken down if it's an ad. You must create value through your post.

Scatter your bets

I posted 3x on Reddit. My posts on r/business_ideas and r/artificialinteligence went #1 on trending but I posted in r/startups and the mods took my post down and told me they wanted to ban me. Is what it is, I know next time not to post in r/startups or if I want to, use a different more refined strategy. Live and learn I guess.

Ultimately there's no way to know if posts will do well on Reddit, and the process is filled with uncertainty.

The best way to go about it is to try and create the best/most captivating article possible with good value and a super catchy title. From there it's a dice roll though. I've had posts flop. I've had posts for other products i've made go super viral.

All you can do is try your best and then the rest is up to the internet, which can be super fickle.


hopefully this was helpful. If you liked the article please leave a comment or like it so others will see it!

Also, feel free to comment below if you'd like me to dive in deeper on any questions you may have!

on February 14, 2023
  1. 12

    And he used the same strategy on indiehackers 🤣😂

  2. 4

    Reddit is really insane! I've seen going viral on a subreddit bring 100k+ viewers at a time. If you're interested in discovering more subreddits, here is a list 13 of them where you can talk about your software/tech product: https://launchpedia.co/places-to-promote-your-startup/?_launch_places_mobile_category=reddit

    1. 2

      Thanks for sharing - this is helpful :)

      1. 1

        Thanks max. I'm glad it was useful.

    2. 2

      thank you so much for sharing this. going to use this list.

      super appreciated

      1. 2

        I'm glad to hear that eric 🤗 Happy to help!!

  3. 4

    Love this! I recommend posting to r/sideproject and r/saas too. Both very friendly subreddits for builders.

    And if you want to leverage Reddit even further I really recommend Surfkey.io by @JohanCutych

    1. 3

      wow, I just looked at Surfkey. How have I not learned about it sooner? Looks super relevant!

    2. 3

      woah!!! This is so useful thank you for sharing Surfkey. I just set up an account this is an awesome tool. thank you!

      I just joined r/sideproject and r/saas will see what happens there!

  4. 3

    Something else to be aware of on reddit is not to sleep on comments!

    In a really popular post, you can ride the wave from a comment. And they're much less likely to get banned as well. That was how I built a large amount of our customer base for Evoke

    1. 1

      That’s a really good tip :)

    2. 1

      great tip. how many paying customers do you guys have out of curiosity? did u do free tier first or jump into paid plan?

  5. 2

    Please create a non-free product and then publish a post about it on Reddit. It would be much more interesting to hear about such your experience because Reddit is super-sensitive to non-free products.

    1. 1

      to this point you could implement a free offer or something free in your strategy to get around this. it's all strategy at the end of the day. some companies are #1, some go nowhere. thoughtful strategy is key.

    2. 1

      I super agree with that :) They torch people (trying to showcase their product, even if it is a helpful product) for fun and take pleasure in watching them burn.

  6. 2

    The only drawback of reddit that they have pretty stupid mods.

  7. 2

    I actually wrote a guide detailing how I like to find customers on Reddit.


    • Find relevant subreddits (this website is not in the guide yet, but is super useful)
    • Use Postpone.app to post at the optimal time
    • Use image posts where you can
    • Engage with people in the comments
    1. 2

      great strategy. this website you linked is really helpful. will be using this. just signed up for postpone as well.

  8. 2

    It's good advice, thanks

  9. 2

    thanks for sharing your useful information.

    1. 1

      yup. glad you found it useful

  10. 2

    interesting. why did the mods take down the post on one subreddit and leave it on another? any insight there?

    1. 2

      Different subreddit, different rules and mods. Some are more lenient basically.

    2. 1

      the rules are different in all the subreddits. I would imagine it unfortunately violated the rules in one of the communities, but didn't in the others. some of the rules can be relatively subjective though so it can be tough to navigate tbh, i will just post and see what happens if that's the case. i try to comply as much as possible tho.

  11. 1

    Is this worth doing in subreddits that prohibit any links of any kind in posts or comments? If so, how do you make it work?

  12. 1

    Good stuff! I also recommend jumping into relevant conversations, providing real value, offer help and plugging your product when it makes sense.

    It's less "viral" but repeatable, and you can get niched users this way.

    We set up reddit keyword alerts around our problem space and do around 5 comments a day resulting in 10-20 signups a day.

    1. 2

      i used this yesterday. did you make surfkey?

      1. 1

        Nice! Yeah! How did it went?

        1. 1

          i like it. i keep getting emails though on updated keywords. it would be great if they'd stop. other than that i love it

          1. 1

            You mean that you get an email for a keyword that you already saw/answered to? They should stack into threads under the first notification. Seems like a bug.

            1. 1

              i'm not sure i just kept getting email notifications for the first 2 days on my phone with updated keywords. i had been just deleting the emails cause I checked out the keywords when I initially used the product wasn't looking for updates. it seemed to happen every hour or so. i checked out the site and it said by default i was signed up for hourly email notifications. when i tried to stop it the site kept freezing so not sure if it stopped or not although im not getting notifications anymore so i'm assuming it did.

  13. 1

    this isnt saying much, but d2c is a known bad business model😭

  14. 1

    Congratulations on launching your extension! Your approach looks solid and reasonable. It's also great to hear that you shared roadblocks encountered in the process, as this can help other readers relate and empathize with your journey.

    My question for you is: what marketing strategies do you plan to use going forward to continue to promote your Google Chrome extension and grow your user base?

  15. 1

    Hey @ericlamcrypto7, do you use any kind of post scheduling tool for Reddit? Or is there any you recommend?

    1. 1

      it was off the cuff to be honest. I decided to post it at around 5pm PST on Monday, didn't put much thought into the time, maybe I should have but wasn't a thought to be honest.

      1. 1

        Yeah, that's good. However, I am having a hard time finding any Reddit management tool.

        1. 1

          Postpone.app like this?

          1. 1

            Yeah. Looked at it before. But I was looking for free one with limited features. BTW, thanks for recommending!

  16. 1

    You have shared an interesting marketing strategy, I'm gonna try it out.

    Yeah on Reddit I was able to get great reactions about 5-6 times mainly on /webdev with my projects.

    The idea is simple, I use to post a title saying the usage of a tool with a video.

    1. 1

      for webdev can you include links? what violations do you need to be aware of in that one?

      1. 1

        You can include the links in the comments. The post should not look like a spam.

  17. 1

    Thank you for sharing the insights! can you please tell me the time that you have use for reddit posting @ericlamcrypto7

    1. 1

      I posted them at like 5pm PST on Monday. around there.

  18. 1

    Thanks for the insight! I really think a good lead magnet can pay off and kickstart a project - it takes some good ideas though to come up with a story that is not too "click-baity" but still gets peoples' interest.
    And reddit can be show stopper on one day, or a stepping stone the other - you really never know :D

    1. 2

      i've had other projects where the post got 0 interaction no matter how hard I try. I think a piece that made this work especially well was that it's in the AI category which has a lot of hype around it right now.

      1. 1

        That's certainly true - trends are something reddit goes really hot. And Memes of course :D

  19. 1

    Thanks for the info. Grateful to have you share your experiences.

  20. 1

    How many reddit groups would you suggest to post in?

    1. 1

      as many that fit your post as possible. typically i'll post 1 or 2 as tests in a couple subreddits then if they do well scale it up into more subreddits

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