The Carlsbad Decrees, by Ari Sclar

Arieh Sclar
1 min readMar 27, 2018

· A special representative of the ruler of each state shall be appointed for each university…The function of this agent shall be to see to the strictest enforcement of existing laws and disciplinary regulations ; to observe carefully the spirit which is shown by the instructors in the university in their public lectures and regular courses, and, without directly interfering in scientific matters or in the methods of teaching, to give a salutary [beneficial] direction to the instruction, having in view the future attitude of the students.

· The confederated governments mutually pledge themselves to remove from the universities or other public educational institutions all teachers who, by obvious deviation from their duty, or by exceeding the limits of their functions, or by the abuse of their legitimate influence over the youthful minds, or by propagating harmful doctrines hostile to public order or subversive of existing governmental institutions, shall have unmistakably proved their unfitness for the important office entrusted to them.

- Carlsbad Decrees (1819)

  1. What is the purpose of the document in relation to German nationalism? Was it effective in producing the intended goal? Explain why or why not.
  2. How would a liberal German in the 1820s have reacted to the decree? Explain your answer.



Arieh Sclar

Arieh Sclar is a historian. I blog on history. It is important to see history through documents directly.