Getting Started with Visa Supplier Matching Service

About Visa Supplier Matching Service

The Visa Supplier Matching Service is the fast, efficient way to identify suppliers that accept Visa Commercial payment products, so you can reduce time-consuming and labor-intensive paper-based invoice processing and check writing.

The Visa Supplier Matching Service APIs allow users to identify suppliers that accept Visa Commercial Payment Products by matching an organization’s supplier data against the Visa commercial merchant database. For example, you can send supplier data and learn whether that supplier has accepted a commercial card transaction and they pass Level II and III enhanced data as well as obtain their merchant category code (MCC).

Things to Know

The Visa Supplier Matching Service APIs can be used by developers in the sandbox. To use the APIs in production, user must be pre-approved by Visa. The Visa Supplier Matching Service APIs licensing agreement and approval process is available as part of the Production Onboarding. Use of the service is subject to the terms of use set forth in the applicable agreement.

The Visa Supplier Matching Service is available in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and the United States.

The sandbox and samples only show the basic list of attributes available. Please contact your Visa representative or email with the subject Visa Supplier Matching Service API with questions or if you need additional assistance.

Visa does not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of the information provided via the Visa Supplier Matching Service APIs, nor does Visa assume any liability or responsibility for claims or damages that may result from reliance on such information. Users of this information are encouraged to contact their current and/or prospective suppliers directly regarding Visa card acceptance status.


The following table lists the regional availability for Visa Supplier Matching Service. To view availability of all products, refer to the Availability Matrix.

North America Asia-Pacific Europe CEMEA LAC Notes

Asia-Pacific : Available in Australia, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Singapore

Europe : Available in France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

LAC : Available in Brazil, Peru

  • Available in entire region
  • Not available
  • See notes for available countries