Natural England hosts dinner for grouse-shooting industry reps after Swinton Estate visit

Several months ago I blogged about Natural England’s senior management team having a lovely day out on the notorious Swinton Estate in North Yorkshire on 14th February 2023, as indicated by Tweets from Natural England’s Chief Exec Marian Spain and Chair, Tony Juniper (see here). When I say Swinton Estate is ‘notorious’, I’m referring to … Continue reading “Natural England hosts dinner for grouse-shooting industry reps after Swinton Estate visit”

Natural England’s senior management team has a lovely day out…..on Swinton Estate!!

If anyone has been wondering why no progress whatsoever has been made to tackle the illegal killing of birds of prey in England, I give you Natural England’s senior management team: UPDATE 8th May 2023: Natural England hosts dinner for grouse-shooting industry reps after Swinton Estate visit (here)

Red kite found poisoned on Swinton Estate – North Yorkshire Police refuses to investigate

Last November I was reading an online article on the Teeside Live website about the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in North Yorkshire being dubbed ‘the bird poisoning capital of the UK‘ (here). The article was illustrated with various photographs, including this image of a poisoned red kite that was reportedly found dead … Continue reading “Red kite found poisoned on Swinton Estate – North Yorkshire Police refuses to investigate”

Is Natural England bending the rules for Swinton Estate on breach of hen harrier diversionary feeding licence?

Back in April and May this year, I blogged about this spring’s hen harrier diversionary feeding fiasco at Swinton Estate in North Yorkshire after footage was sent to me of two individuals apparently putting out food at an active nest site during a period when it was expressly forbidden to take place (see here and … Continue reading “Is Natural England bending the rules for Swinton Estate on breach of hen harrier diversionary feeding licence?”

Natural England accidentally lets slip more alleged shenanigans with hen harriers at Swinton Estate

I can’t decide whether I think Natural England is incompetent or institutionally corrupt. Maybe it’s both? Have a read and see what you think. Following on from the blog I wrote on Monday where it had become apparent that Natural England had altered the terms of its hen harrier diversionary feeding licence to permit the … Continue reading “Natural England accidentally lets slip more alleged shenanigans with hen harriers at Swinton Estate”

Police investigating Swinton Estate for alleged hen harrier disturbance

The Swinton Estate in North Yorkshire is once again the focus of a police investigation in to alleged wildlife crime. This time the investigation hasn’t been triggered by the discovery of a shot hen harrier corpse or two on the Swinton grouse moors (see here and here), nor on the use of illegally-set traps (see … Continue reading “Police investigating Swinton Estate for alleged hen harrier disturbance”

Swinton Estate owner (& Chair of Moorland Association) challenged by BBC about raptor persecution on his estate

This is worth a watch. A BBC documentary series called Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby featured the Swinton Estate in Nidderdale, North Yorkshire a couple of weeks ago. The owner of the estate, Mark Cunliffe-Lister (also known as Lord Masham) also happens to be the Chair of the Moorland Association, the lobby group for … Continue reading “Swinton Estate owner (& Chair of Moorland Association) challenged by BBC about raptor persecution on his estate”

Shot hen harrier’s corpse found on Swinton Estate, a grouse moor in North Yorkshire

In January this year, the RSPB reported that a satellite-tagged hen harrier called ‘River’ had disappeared in suspicious circumstances in November 2018 on an unnamed grouse moor in the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) (see here). This was an area where the day before River ‘disappeared’, the RSPB had filmed an unidentified gunman … Continue reading “Shot hen harrier’s corpse found on Swinton Estate, a grouse moor in North Yorkshire”

Raptor champion standing for Mayor of North Yorkshire in 2nd May election

The election for the first York and North Yorkshire Mayor will take place on Thursday 2nd May 2024. Whoever is elected will also take on the role of Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner in North Yorkshire. This is an important role, responsible for holding the Chief Constable to account for an efficient and effective local … Continue reading “Raptor champion standing for Mayor of North Yorkshire in 2nd May election”

123 hen harriers confirmed ‘missing’ or illegally killed in UK since 2018, most of them on or close to grouse moors

For anyone who still wants to pretend that the grouse shooting industry isn’t responsible for the systematic extermination of hen harriers on grouse moors across the UK, here’s the latest catalogue of crime that suggests otherwise. [This male hen harrier died in 2019 after his leg was almost severed in an illegally set trap that … Continue reading “123 hen harriers confirmed ‘missing’ or illegally killed in UK since 2018, most of them on or close to grouse moors”