Spotify’s annual year-end Wrapped promotion made a bigger noise than ever in 2023, but the streaming service says it also paid off in terms of sales of merchandise and tickets.

“The number of artists who made at least one merch sale on Wrapped launch day was 4X this year vs. last,” said an email from the Spotify for Artists team to musicians. “Launch day concert ticket sales beat last year by almost 3X.”

Sadly there were no hard numbers attached to these claims: Spotify has never published data for how much merch and tickets (in dollar terms) are being sold through its platform.

But it’s no surprise to see the growth, since merch and tickets have been given more prominence in Wrapped in each of the last two years.

Artists were encouraged to update their stores and listings before the promo, and the links to that merch and tickets featuring more prominently in the Wrapped experience for fans.

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