Matt Gaetz Shouts That ‘Only Through Force Do We Make Any Change’ While Standing Beside Trump in Iowa


Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz said on Saturday that it is only through “force” that changes can be made in “corrupt” Washington, D.C., as he stumped for Donald Trump at the Iowa State Fair.

Republican candidates made the major campaign stop on Saturday where they spoke to the crowds and jockeyed for position, not to mention had several newsworthy and even weird moments.

Gaetz, whose decision not to support Ron DeSantis was somehow portrayed as a negative for the Florida governor by the media, was on hand to be a booster and hype man for Trump.

As Trump introduced a variety of small name politicians to the microphone to say a few words each about how great he is, Gaetz joined the festivities with his own loud comments.

In the middle of the usual schtick, though, was Gaetz’s comment that, although he and other MAGA supporters were “having a great time” being at the Iowa fairground, “we know that only through force do we make any cahnge in a corrupt town like Washington, D.C.”

Trump took a few questions while making his way through the crowds, including being asked whether he will comply with a judge’s order and warning on Friday about making inflammatory statements. Trump did not say he would comply.

Mr. President, I cannot stand these people that are destroying our country. They are opening our borders. They are weaponizing our federal law enforcement against patriotic Americans who love this nation as we should.

We are having a great time at the fair. We love standing with you. But we know that only through force do we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington, DC.

And so, to all my friends here in Iowa, when you see them come for this man, know that they are coming for our movement and they are coming for all of us. And as hard as you see him work, I need you working ten times harder, a hundred times harder. We’re going to win Iowa, we’re going to march to the nomination and we’re going to save the greatest country…

Watch the clip above via the Right Side Broadcasting livestream on Rumble.

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Caleb Howe is an editor and writer focusing on politics and media. Former managing editor at RedState. Published at USA Today, Blaze, National Review, Daily Wire, American Spectator, AOL News, Asylum, fortune cookies, manifestos, napkins, fridge drawings...