Lenny Rachitsky’s Post

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Q: If you've recently been laid off, what’s something you wish you'd done beforehand that would have better prepared you for the road ahead?

Reflecting on and documenting the data on big wins. Much harder to do to without access to internal docs and systems.

Rachana Mansinghka

Head of Product | 1X CoFounder | Start-Up Advisor | ex-Facebook | ex-Wayfair | ex-Expedia | INSEAD MBA


Side hustle

Leah Tharin

CPGO / B2B Growth for Scaleups. leahtharin.com - Product & Growth @ GotPhoto.com


I wrote about this today. I didn't get laid off but derisking your main career is incredibly important. Not all of us can or want to do it of course but "side hustles" are not side hustles. they are freedom from having to be somewhere. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/leahtharin_lets-stop-calling-it-a-side-hustle-its-activity-7031530307879104512-O499?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

John E. Bredehoft

Senior Product Marketing Manager in identity/technology who is expert in describing why customers benefit.


When I was laid off in 2020, I regretted that I hadn't kept an independent list of all the projects I completed over the last 25 years for the company (and its corporate predecessors). After my layoff, I lost access to the internal systems that listed all those projects. (I had already lost access to the older internal systems due to the three mergers and acquisitions over the 25 year period, but that's another story.)

Amer Arab

Product Manager | Founder | Mentor | Speaker | Discovery & Zero to One | AI/ML | SaaS | Social Networks | E-commerce


Learn to become more technical. I am actually looking for courses or resources to help me become a technical PM since technical PMs keep taking my promotions and the interesting opportunities that I uncover through discovery work... It kinda hurts when you do weeks of research and interviews to find opportunities worth pursuing for them to be handed to a technical PM

Kyle Singles

Creator Partnerships and Marketing Leader | Sales | Biz-dev | ex-LinkedIn | ex-Cameo | Occasional improviser and comedian


Wish I would have spent more time on a side hustle I could expand during my break.

Akshay Yeleswarapu

senior product marketing manager at lightspeed


I wish I built a more vibrant life outside of work so that my entire sense of self didn't come crashing down, leading to me having to rebuild my self-esteem over a period of months. It's something I prioritize now.

Raquel Van Laake Baltazar

Product Designer, UX UI Designer


Not sure if it answers the question, but... ...I wish I had accepted a job opportunity I got a month before the layoff (it was my dream job and the career shift I wanted). Instead, I refused the job after I was promised the same opportunity in the company I was in, and one month later, I was laid off... my biggest regret. I had no idea of the company's situation (and I think no one was expecting it) and thinking of it just makes me sad...

One thing I'm thankful that I *did* do prior to being laid off last week was keeping my resume up to date! At year end, I took the time to calculate the product metrics that I influenced from my start date to the current date. If I hadn't done this, my abrupt departure from the company wouldn't have allowed me to access these numbers and present them accurately on my resume. With that being said, I am #OpenToWork in #ProductManagement and would love to share my resume with any hiring managers who are looking for a hard-working, empathetic, customer-centric PM who is eager for my next challenge!

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