Celebrity News

‘No more Israel’

Henry KISSINGER. Former secretary of state. Current savant of the state of the world. Do not argue with Mr. Kissinger’s know-how. He already knows how.

Middle East horror. Democratic party dissing Jerusalem. DC’s anti-Israel mentality. Obama, busy raising re-election funds, no time for beleaguered Netanyahu. The Oval Office attitude versus the Red Line. Iran’s oath to destroy our only friend in that part of the world.

Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

I repeat: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

HARVEY Weinstein on his quasi-Scientology movie “The Master” getting four-star attention: “People ask do I fear their retribution. No. I’ve made films on Nazis, Jews, blacks, gangsters, Italians, whores, gays. I’m not afraid of anybody.”

KATIE Couric. Her daytime ratings were initially huge. Reviews not. You can’t win for winning. Hit the top, and the planet hopes you slide. Having stomped on Sarah Palin, fans expected she’d walk on water, not waltz with the same stars who show on every show. People were disappointed. Result? She’s soliciting opinions from pros. But her contract’s solid. She partially loves her guru, Jeff Zucker, who partially loves her. Also, it’s earning ABC money. The program’s syndicated, and they own it.

MARIAH CAREY and Nicki Minaj. Oh, I was insanely interested reading this week’s hot exciting scoop that these “American Idol” judges were poised to maybe claw one another’s throats. Or larynxes. Oh, I was truly fascinated, besotted, with the reports. However, kindly recall that back . . . before . . . previous to said bulletins . . . my own chubby fingers typed these very sentiments for you. Fortunately, I am of a loving forgiving nature because it is truly tiring rereading my regurgitated stop-the-press stuff.

If they excel as judges, perhaps they can sit in for that black-robed maggot who ruled Kelly “Gossip Girl” Rutherford can lose her children to a German who’s not even welcome in the US.

VITO Lopez — a k a New York’s very own skunk — did not lose his taste buds over a little grope and greed. Sunday afternoon he, two females and a guy lunched at City Diner, 90th & B’way. What he ordered to feed that appetite, who knows? It wasn’t humble pie.

KOURTNEY Kardashian. Her mommy, Kris, is possibly not saying, “May her tribe increase.” Kid Kourtney has two babies thanks to non-husband Scott Disick, who’s appeared not only in the bedroom but on their reality show. You maybe read of trouble in paradise. You maybe heard she’s ticked he frolics without her.

At a private party in New York City, he met a Brazilian who’s divorced but eager for whatever life and a good-looking dude might bring. Possibly he enjoyed her Upper East Side décor because, allegedly, he spent large time admiring her lamps.

She’s suggesting she’ll tell or sell the story to tabloids.

COSMETICIANS and dermatologists get big business Thanksgiving. Before returning home to Creekball, Utah, city slickers refresh their faces so Hicksville kin don’t drone: “You look awful. Stop trying to be a star. Come back so we can feed you.”

Fashion Week was dentists. A crush at Dr. Marc Lazare’s new East Side high-tech zen office — drinks on the terrace, waterfalls in the room, designers Zang Toi, Chris Benz and hot models getting their smiles together before hitting the runway.

SEE the “Forbidden Broadway” hilarious takeoffs on “Newsies,” Sutton Foster in “Anything Goes,” the Spiderflop spoof. You’ll love it . . .“The Book of Mormon” so big at the Pantages in LA that the advance for its short run is $15 mil — and rising . . . Enough with all these diet books — ditch carbs. Eat protein. Saute soy. One chunky tried one of the novel regimes and definitely lost weight. The dog keeps burying her in the backyard.

MIDDLE America focus groups polling the coming election. Question was, considering how both presidential candidates handled Libya’s crisis and the assassination of our ambassador, how might they vote? A majority answered: “Obama’s reaction didn’t matter because in the clutch we always knew we had Hillary.”

MISS USA Olivia Culpo wearing fake hair bangs. She snagged a set of Scunci Faux Clip Ins . . . Michelle Trachtenberg shopping East Hampton’s Christopher Fischer boutique . . . Moby: “Fans run after me screaming they love my music. When I sign my autograph they’re crushed and shout, ‘But you’re not Michael Stipe.’ He’s had the same experience. Us little bald white guys get mistaken for each other.”

SOMERS Farkas is a socialite. Married to Jonathan Farkas of the Alexander’s stores money. For a dinner party, she told everyone 7 p.m. Each guest was phoned repeatedly. Three times she reminded them: “Jonathan wants to get to sleep early. Don’t be late. Be on time. Promptly 7 o’clock sharp.” Everyone showed at 7. Jonathan showed at 7. Somers arrived 7:30.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.