Oskar Dudycz’s Post

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Event Sourcerer / Helping others build Event-Driven systems

What would happen if you wanted to buy a car and a salesman offered you a scooter? Unless you're a nineties Eurodance fan, that wouldn't work for you, aye? The famous pro-Agile drawing is a picture of how we should deliver software. And that's fine if we want to buy a vehicle, and maybe anything moving us from place A to B will be enough. But sometimes we need specific things. I intentionally wrote Agile with capital A. I'm a big fan of the Agile approach, but not glossed over the Agile approach, especially with the aberrations like SAFe. I think that fixation on the only way (incremental) is actually anti-agile. You are not always able to do it. If our go/no-go decisions depend on reaching a specific milestone, then delivering something subpar for the sake of iterations will be just a waste of time. Sometimes, we need to choose different ways of releasing and product development, so be... er... agile. What are your thoughts on it? I wrote some time ago on it a bit longer in: https://lnkd.in/gHWqCRw

When Agile is not enough - Event-Driven.io

When Agile is not enough - Event-Driven.io


Maciej Jedrzejewski

I help teams & individuals to ramp up skills in software architecture 🚀 | Author of Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design book & Evolutionary Architecture by Example repo👨💻


SAFe...brrr... Coming to the topic. Working agile, with vertical slices, works perfectly fine in product development when you need to monitor user behaviors, get feedback from the market, etc., before going full in a feature. So, to save us money, we validate it with real users. But, it usually does not work well for platforms, libraries, or any other "mechanism" development. When we create something like that, we often know what the problem people face - as other mechanisms lack functionality. And here, we do not want to release something that might work well (or might not). We want to deliver a consistent and reliable solution. That's my observation :)

I’m especially fed up with POCs and prototypes that are being treated as the first “iteration”. Build it, prove it, test it and write down yout notes. Then throw it out and build it properly with your findings in mind.

Stefan Hofer

Requirements & DDD Expert at WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH


The skateboard/car metaphor & drawing are from Henrik Kniberg and he wrote an excellent article about it, including case studies. I think you are not far off from what he describes: It is a metaphor for feedback and the different kind of vehicles represent the earliest testable/usable/lovable product: https://blog.crisp.se/2016/01/25/henrikkniberg/making-sense-of-mvp

🧑💻 Quentin Delcourt

Lead Software Engineer at Optimy


I like the idea of involving the (potential) clients, but when this drives the development team to develop the software without the necessary foundation, it's really a nightmare. At least that's how I experimented Agile.. it really goes against all my experience of development, where we build things from the ground up.

Dannie Walden

Experienced Strategic & Tactical Domain-Driven Design practitioner | C#


Love the reference to scooter 😂👌🏼 as an Old eurodance fan, i had some good trips with the ferry to poland, where we could buy s lot of Dance and trance CD’s for a good Price.! Anyway, that was completely unrelated - just made me chuckle 😅

Also… the skateboard was invented way later than bicycles 😜

John C.

Solution Architect Consultant, Distributed Design & DDD Evangelist, Eventstormer, Speaker, Trainer, Drummer


When the means become the goal, prepare for layoffs.

Kelvin Meeks

Consulting Architect/CTO - Leadership in Enterprise Architecture and Software Engineering Innovation (US Army Veteran)


❤️ "delivering something subpar for the sake of iterations will be just a waste of time"

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