

@lazysoda ∙
@lemonsoda1 ∙
Readings and thoughts
@lemonola505199 ∙
Midwesterner. Sewist. Gardener. Arts Management Professional.

The ABA has written another letter.

This one is a bit stronger worded than the last. And I think their goal in doing so is to remind their members of the rule of law and what it means to stand up for it…

Hey quick question: what the fuck ?

Why is Trump tanking our economy on purpose ? Is he stupid or does he just hate Americans? This is like.. the polar opposite of “America First.”

I mean, I personally didn’t expect anything different from someone who has bankrupt literal casinos, but still..

Crockett for President

Jasmine Crockett called out House Republicans for not admitting Russia invaded Ukraine.

Few are as vocal as Jasmine. This is true leadership.

No, no it’s fine. It’s just you voted to sell our country out to fucking Vladimir Putin because you hate trans people and women having bodily autonomy.

news flash: it is NOT fine.

for the love of our nation’s security and freedom we NEED to remove Trump and his administration NOW. Our democracy is slipping through the cracks in real time. I am so sad and so scared for our children and the world they are going to grow up in.

Zelenskyy is a real one. Fuck you, Trump. Ukrainians deserve peace and justice without being kicked while they’re down (exploited for their natural resources while fighting for their lives).


Will someone sound the alarm already?

At this point And until congress and the GOP grow a spine to impeach the president we are, for all Intents and purposes, living under a dictatorship.

The DOJ will do nothing. The FBI will do nothing. He’s installed his loyalists.

I am embarrassed and ashamed of our elected officials. What a stain on our country’s history and all of their families’ legacies.

We the people will come Out on top one way or the other and I hope every single one of these compli…


Trump supporters hate being called uninformed but tbh you only get called that because the alternative is that you actually understood how devastating Trump’s policies would be, that he would crush our democracy as we know it into an authoritarian regime, and voted for him anyway, making you morally bankrupt and we are trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Had a really great day today. I didn’t do much. Just spent the day at home with my husband and kids and it was simple and pure and everything I ever wanted in life.

The world may be falling apart but I will do anything to keep this piece of heaven on earth.