Why am I hearing this amazing story for the first time at 32-years-old?!

Thanks for the continuing encouragement to live with the seasons and noting how simple it is to recognize where we are in the year.

I’ve felt this way for a while but I’m really tired of how showy many things are these days. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc. Why not spend our time recognizing great saints, singing a song and honoring them in the form of hospitality for others?

Sorry. A bit of rambling but this is just great!

“‘And when he saw that no man would smite in the place where the lamb stood, he took a little pickaxe, and smote one stroke lightly in the place under the foot of the lamb, and anon a well or a fountain sprang up and grew into a great flood. Then unto all them joying, St. Clement said: ‘The coming of the flood gladdeth the city of God.’…’”
The Lamb shall soon stand / White as a shout against the sky: / His feet shall soon strike rainbows from the rock.