

I just realized that I didn’t have a happy childhood. It was wrought with a mother who tried to mold me into a best friend instead of raising me. I had to be a mini-adult at around 4 or 5 years old. I was robbed of not having to worry about where am I going to live and what will we eat. Because my mother wasn’t mentally stable enough to hold a job much less have any stable relationship with the opposite sex. Finding this out at 39 years old explains so much of why it feels as though I have always been depressed. Some times less so than others but depression has always been there. Now I am going to learn what life is like without being depressed all of the time. If only I was paid a living wage, that would solve my depression about my ability to take care of myself. If only as a Black, Bisexual woman who could choose what happens to their body instead of the government trying to choose for me. Abortion is healthcare. Mental health is healthcare. Housing is a right. Being able to eat healthy food is a right. When will everyone else realize this too?
