
Tribute to Alice Munro

Based on Tara’s suggestion of my first Alice Munro story to read, I read “Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage”

I loved it because it was a novel disguised as a short story. I’m at a loss to think of another short story that manages to create the character arcs and plot twists that “Hateship” provides.

The story has two strong women and a handful of weak men.

I know right away that the author’s sympathies are with the protagonist Johanna when, after a functionary at the train station “mansplains” her,

“[Johanna] continued to look at him without a smile or any admission of her female foolishness.”

It took me a bit longer to figure out that the author identifies the most with the mischief-making Edith who is left behind in terms of class and status by her richer, prettier former best friend Sabitha.

But Edith has one big advantage over Sabitha. She has great writing chops. I left the story convinced Edith will become a great writer. She’s already used her writing talents to provide Johanna with a life Johanna had lost hope of ever achieving. Even if Edith ‘s adolescent intentions were to create havoc not bliss, she still wrote some terrific letters.

Thank you Tara for encouraging me to read Alice Munro. “Hateship” is going to be a high bar. And thank you for this great example of Substack community.
