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There is a modern battlefield in which the objectives are molding, controlling, and capturing the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs of the common man. This is being deployed by the US “Deep State” and “Uniparty” political organizations, allied military, intelligence communities, public health organizations, US Homeland Security and State Departments, social media/internet service companies, non-governmental organizations, and aspiring global governance organizations (UN, WEF) - often in close coordination with “mainstream” corporate media- on all Western nation populations in an amazingly harmonized fashion. The UK, United States, and their close allies are leading the West to deploy this new warfare technique on their very own citizenry.
Your mind is the battlefield, and controlling and managing your access to information, thoughts, and emotions is the strategic objective.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
Fifth-generation warfare is non-kinetic. It is non-physical warfare in the information age. It can be combined with kinetic warfare, or it can be a stand-alone option. NATO calls the combination of fifth-generation PsyWar and kinetic war “hybrid warfare;” this has become central to NATO battle strategy.
The goal of fifth-generation warfare is the deliberate manipulation of a recipient’s world-view to achieve a desired outcome.
Psychological operations (PSYOPs) work to convey selected information and propaganda to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning. It is used to manipulate the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, governments, and large foreign powers - such as the United Nations.
Psychological warfare (PsyWar) is the use of psyops against an enemy. In our book “PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order”, we theorize that the US government has defined some aspects of society as the enemies of the state and has launched multiple PsyWar campaigns against it’s own people to influence political, economic, and public health measures to achieve results believed to be beneficial to the administrative State. The US, British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, and European Union governments now routinely use military, financial, and/or political measures (including “nudge” units) to influence and control thought and behavior of their own citizens. Of course, the most advanced deployment of PsyWar capabilities has been perfected by the ruling CCP of China, and as was the case with the totalitarian COVIDcrisis policies, the Chinese model is viewed as a model for the West.
PsyWar and fifth-generation war are deployed on a battleground of information and perception. Many argue that the only winning move is not to play. The basic idea is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or armed gorilla insurgencies but in the minds of ordinary citizens. The mind is the new battleground.
The development and implementation of a New World Order is being led by the United Nations, World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, the administrative state and their allies. All of these organizations are deeply afraid of a second Trump presidency. They have quietly worked for decades to apply utilitarian logic (ends justify means) as a techno-totalitarian one-world governance structure based on the EU model for the world. This coalition views the “threat” of a second term for Trump as risking a great undoing of their decades of systematic, incremental, covert work to build and implement this New World Order.

Furthermore, in the United States, the fear of the Administrative and Deep State (the latter also referred to as “The Blob”) is that a Trump presidency would undo their work to develop a more corporatist and socialistic society. This longstanding agenda was accelerated during the Obama presidency and was further advanced during the Biden/Harris administration.
The Obama and Biden legacy includes the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policies, the signing of the far-reaching UN global governance agreement - known as Agenda 2030 - which was quietly executed as a treaty by Obama in 2016, and the Paris Climate Agreement (which Trump withdrew from and then Biden rejoined). Biden continued Obama’s legacy and goals towards a one-world governance structure by pushing through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which neatly lined up with Agenda 2030 by earmarking $369 billion for clean energy and climate change mitigation, $138 million for agricultural land easements, it allocates funding for the Forest Legacy Program, whereby the US government acquires forestlands, allocates $128 million for environmental justice projects, and funds climate-smart agriculture. These programs all dovetail nicely into the 17 goals and 169 targets of Agenda 2030.
But it may be the ability of Trump to undermine the Deep State/”Blob” by developing a program to reclassify the Senior Executive Service (SES) level employees that staff the top level government positions, as at-will employees that has them most worried. Members of the unelected SES caste hold key federal management positions just below the top Presidential appointees, and it is exceedingly difficult to terminate their employment or remove them from office, even by a sitting president. SES officials are the bottleneck between Trump’s policies and the rest of the Federal workforce. They operate and oversee nearly every government activity in approximately 75 Federal agencies. They are the people that staff the administrative state. In other words, it is the unelected SES that actually runs the United States Federal government.
Inverted totalitarianism in the United States evolved from the subtle but seismic shift in which corporate and economic powers (including transnational mega-funds like BlackRock) learned to exert significant control over governance and societal functions through the corruption of both the political arms of government and the administrative state, run by the Senior Executive Service employees, while maintaining the facade of democratic processes.
Democratic processes have become mere formalities in the face of overwhelming globalist power. Digital surveillance, surveillance capitalism, disaster cronyism, psychological bioterrorism, social media, and a globalized economy based on the fusion of corporatism with socialism cooperate to entrench the United States into a managed “democracy” rather than the intended decentralized republic. The idea that Trump could designate these SES employees as at-will and hence be able to remove privileged administrators who resist change from their duties has frightened the administrative state. And they are fighting back, with the active assistance of coopted corporate media.
By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the
democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms . . . elections,
parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest . . . will remain.
The underlying substance will be a new kind of Totalitarianism. All
the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly
like they were in the good old days. Democracy & freedom will be
the theme of every broadcast & editorial. Meanwhile, the ruling
oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as
they see fit.
—Aldous Huxley, 1962
The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
The SES has worked with the Democrat party to control the narrative regarding Trump. They have done this through various propaganda campaigns, such as the false flag operation regarding Russian disinformation, the Steele Dossier, Hunter Biden’s laptop falsehoods, J-6 exaggerations combined with political prosecutions, lawfare against Trump, propaganda regarding Trump’s personal life, the list goes on and on.
The latest tactic has been to promote the false narrative that President Trump is a Fascist. This is the precisely same ploy that has been deployed against virtually all center-right populist leaders such as Georgia Meloni of the “Brothers of Italy” party, the Austrian School academic economist Javier Milei of Argentina, Marie le Pen of French “National Rally” party, leaders and members of the German Alliance for Deutschland party, Geert Wilders of the Dutch “Party for Freedom”, Viktor Orban of Hungary, and virtually any others who resist the Socialist/Corporatist “Great Reset”/”New World Order” promoted by the globalists, United Nations, and World Economic Forum and a wide range of shadowy think tanks and non-governmental organizations. Of course, the irony is that Fascism is a form of government and political philosophy involving the fusion and coordination of corporatism and socialism- precisely the very thing that those screaming accusations of “Fascism” actively promote. Stated plainly, Fascism has historically been intrinsically linked to Socialism- it comes from the left, not from the right. There is a psychological term for this type of behavior, whether conscious or subconscious. The term for this is called projection.
Projection is the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds. Projection is a type of psychological defense mechanism where an individual attributes their own thoughts, feelings, or traits to someone else, often unconsciously. This phenomenon occurs when a person is unable to acknowledge and deal with their own emotions, desires, or qualities, so they externalize them onto another person, group, animal, or object. Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. The psychological underpinning of this occurs when unconscious discomfort leads people to attribute unacceptable feelings or impulses to someone else to avoid confronting them. Projection allows the difficult trait to be addressed without the individual fully recognizing it.
Those accusing Trump of Fascism are typically coming from left-wing socialist/corporatist organizations and media. In other words, those “Crying Wolf” about Donald Trump and other center-right populist leaders being Fascists, without actually defining the meaning of the term, are, in truth, the real Fascists.
In yet another example of projection and promoted falsehoods, the real Fascists in corporate media and the Deep State that are actively seeking to manipulate public opinion in support of their corporatist/socialist agendas and world view are once again deploying the time-worn PsyWar tactic of blaming “Russian Disinformation” for truthful narratives concerning their preferred puppet candidates. Tim Walz is incompetent, dull, and unqualified for Vice President. Any objective observer knows this.
The ability to see this truth, which is as plain as the nose on your face, does not require “Russian Disinformation.”
The Rural Rebellion: Flyover States Strike Back
Over the past decade, Americans in rural America began to turn away from mainstream news. They began to follow social media accounts and conservative news networks that didn’t follow the rules and did not comply with the mandates propagated via the “Trusted News Initiative.” Information and opinion sources that weren’t on corporatist-owned cable news channels. That couldn’t be controlled. Sources that did not get their money from large transnational corporations but relied on smaller or more independent advertisers (wine, pillows, supplements, water, donations, etc.).
Social media influencers, such as myself, began teaching how to identify propaganda and PsyWar campaigns, we researched and documented historic PsyWar operations against the American people, such as the involvement of the US government in the assassination of President Kennedy and his brother. The Hunter Biden laptop disinformation letter, signed by 51 officials involved in intelligence, was another wake-up call. The evidence is compelling that the CIA’s 1960s “Operation Mockingbird” is not only ongoing into the present but has been expanded and further embedded into the information sources the American public has come to rely on. Furthermore, a portfolio of technologies and methods have been developed to delegitimize, deplatform, censor, and demean all alternative information sources.
In response, people in rural America have coalesced around some basic principles. The first being: don’t play. They stopped listening to mainstream news and began watching streaming videos with a jaded eye. Due to the woke programming and nudging that is now ubiquitous at outlets like Netflix, BBC, and Amazon, the propaganda being forced upon the viewing public became so overt that it not only offended the sensibilities of most Americans but it became easy to detect. No one wants or expects to see soft gay sex on a Netflix series, yet there it is. And no one wants to feel like they are being actively propagandized. Again and again, mainstream media became unwatchable. People in rural America soon learned just turn it off and tune it out. Not that everyone stopped watching Netflix or Hulu, they just learned the tricks to determine which programming was suitable and to recognize propaganda when it infused itself into entertainment venues.
But the world is built on entertainment, and alternative media abounds. From X, Gab, Gettr, Rumble, Odessey, Truth Social, and so many others. Programs like Bannon’s WarRoom, and broadcasters like OANN, NTD News, Epoch Times, and RAV became popular. When one gets silenced, more spring up.
Rural Americans learned to follow a news story on X. To recognize rumor from truth. To triangulate facts.
They stopped playing the game.
As early voting is now a thing, the power of rural America to shape the results of this round of elections is becoming clear.
For example, In Nevada, Republicans currently have a 2.5 percent turnout edge over Democrats in early voting, and most of these Republican voters are from rural counties.
Real Clear Politics documents that in the battleground states, the only states that matter in this election - Trump has consistently been ahead, and in fact, his polling numbers continue to climb. He currently shows a 1.1% advantage in the electoral map, and if the no-toss-up states are included in the analysis of who will win, Trump has 312 electoral college votes - well over the 270 needed to win the election.
Rural America’s superpower is in our electoral college.
The Democrat party was once the working man’s party. The party of rural America. However, that ship left the dock a long time ago.
The “no-toss up” map below shows that in rural counties and towns across America, Americans have had enough. They see through the propaganda machine of the deep state. They are not amused by the USA being run by corporatist agendas with big pharma, big finance, the UN, the WEF, and the military-industrial complex at the helm. They want real change - they want the American government to once again place traditional values, the family, independent communities, state’s rights, a strong work ethic, merit-based hiring and promotion, and a sense of patriotism as top priorities. They want a federal government committed to empowering the American dream for all citizens, not just urban elites, corporations, Wall Street, bond markets, hyper-wealthy oligarchs, and transnational mega-funds. Furthermore, they want America to retain its national identity and to control illegal immigration.
This is the rural rebellion that will win the election for President Donald Trump. It is a rejection of the PsyWar campaigns being led by the Deep State and their socialist/corporatist media partners against all of us. We have had enough.
We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they
even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they
know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we
certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but
they are still lying.
In our country, the lie has become not just a
moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.
(attributed to) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Available in Audible, Kindle and Hardback from Amazon and Skyhorse Publishing
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order exposes the history and tactics of modern psychological warfare on the American people and offers a way forward for citizens to resist totalitarian control.
PsyWar is when a government coordinates and directs deployment of propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations (psyops) tools in campaigns designed to manipulate public opinion. The authors address critical topics including:
Propaganda and Behavioral Control
Psychological Bioterrorism
Deep State Censorship
Surveillance Capitalism
Administrative State Objectives
Fifth-Generation Warfare
PsyWar Tactics
The New World Order and Global Control
Free speech is the most pragmatic tool we have for ascertaining truth. Only by examining all sides of an issue can the truth be chiseled out like a statue out of marble. We must defend all speech—whether untrue, hateful, or intolerable, as that is the only way to protect our right to understand the world. As soon as free speech is restricted, that restriction will be used to sway public opinion.
Now is a time when America needs hope. But more than hope, we need to restore our Constitution and Bill of Rights as the foundational documents of our Republic. These documents support and protect our personal sovereignty and are at the core of our fundamental rights as Americans. We must work to make this country great again by restoring our commitment to these foundational principles and ethics.
Brilliant post. Thank you. Where do you find the time and energy after yesterday’s wonderful recap of your horse adventures!
Very fine post. The last few years have seen the most extraordinary menticidal propaganda campaign in history: never before have there been such coordinated, engineered attacks on largely unsuspecting populations softened up by a few generations of relative ease and severe miseducation.
Perhaps we will win this battle and war, perhaps not--and Nature will reset all to zero in the end. But the task for now is to keep on discovering and disseminating the truth, because ours is at root a war for freedom and Reality, a war over the freedom to say--as Orwell writes in 1984--that two and two make four.