Fact checking is good and noble work, and I salute Daniel Dale for his indefatigable efforts.
I wonder, though, how many people are truly unaware that Ukraine has thanked America for its help; some of the occasions were extremely public. Trump's accusation strikes me as telling an obvious bald-faced lie as a dominance display. That would be consistent with the rest of the show, which was quite obviously an ambush planned to humiliate Zelenskyy on TV (why else have Vance there?) I think that many…
“Now listen here, you keyboard-tappin’, soda-sippin’, algorithm-hugging layabouts! Back in my day, we didn’t have your fancy-pants machine learning or your cloud computin’! No sir! We had punch cards, vacuum tubes, and a deep, gnawin’ fear of the Soviets beatin’ us to the moon! And we liked it!
But you! You kids got beanbag chairs, kombucha on tap, and—what’s this?—a ‘work-life balance’?! Pah! That’s just another word for sloth! You wanna build true AGI? You wanna make a machine smarter than ol’…