I shall say this plainly and bluntly:

is 100% wrong with this about face on Free Speech and their kowtowing to the Thought Police Brigade by agreeing to censor “Nazi" content.


First, “incitement to violence” is criminal behavior in every state in the Union. If the police are not concerned no one else should be.

Second, the incitement standard is clearly articulated in Brandenburg v Ohio. Generic “Nazi” content does not even come close to meeting the threshold for actual incitement.

The absolute and unalterable reality is that Free Speech is a moral imperative. If you are not defending to the last the rights of all people to Free Speech you are not defending the concept of a Free Society.

Which would make YOU the “Nazi”

Substack says it will remove Nazi publications from the platform
Speech Or Silence: Free Speech Is Never Idiotic
Jan 10
6:11 PM