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Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Dr. Mercola's Censored Library (Private Membership)
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The Illusion of Consensus
by Rav Arora
Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings
by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA
Steve Kirsch's newsletter
by Steve Kirsch
Tom Renz’s Newsletter
by Tom Renz
Unreported Truths
by Alex Berenson
Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
2nd Smartest Guy in the World
by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Alexander MAGA COVID News; a PCR manufactured COVID pandemic
by Dr. Paul Alexander
Arkmedic's blog
by Dr Ah Kahn Syed
Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox... Knowledge is power!
by Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox
Bill Rice Jr.'s Newsletter
by Bill Rice, Jr.
Bob Leithiser's Newsletter
by Bob Leithiser, Ph.D.
BOOM Finance and Economics Substack
by Dr Gerry Brady
Break Free with Karen Hunt
by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek
Conspiracy Sarah
by Conspiracy Sarah
Continuing Ed — with Edward Snowden
by Edward Snowden
COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis
by Dr. William Makis MD
The COVID Vaccine FLAW and the COVID CURE
by leelasik
by Warner Mendenhall
Critically Thinking About Select Societal Issues
by John Droz jr.
Dispatches from a Scamdemic
by Mark Oshinskie
Do Your Own Research
by Alexandros Marinos
Dr. Grouf's
by Dr. Grouf's Health Protocols
Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way
by Emerald Robinson
The FLCCC Alliance
by FLCCC Alliance
The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden
by Peter Imanuelsen
Freedom Health Perspectives
by Rebecca Weaver
Gigaohm Biological
by Gigaohm Biological
Human Flourishing
by Aaron Kheriaty, MD
Injecting Freedom by Aaron Siri
by Aaron Siri
Investigate Everything with Brian O'Shea
by Brian O'Shea
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
by James Hill, MD
James Roguski
by James Roguski
Jessica’s Newsletter
by Jessica Rose
The Jonathan Kogan Show
by Jonathan Kogan
Julius Ruechel
by Julius Ruechel
Law, Health and Technology Newsletter
by Mr Law, Health and Technology
LawyerLisa’s Substack
by LawyerLisa
Lean Out with Tara Henley
by Tara Henley
Lies are Unbekoming
by Unbekoming
Mastery Den
by Alex Mathers
Medical Freedom
by Joe Giannotti
The Methods Section
by Jesse Zurawell
The Modern Enquirer
by Nick Holt, Modern Enquirer
No College Mandates Newsletter
by No College Mandates
Noble Truths with Rav Arora
by Rav Arora
OpenVAET’s Substack
by OpenVAET
Popular Rationalism
by James Lyons-Weiler
by Prof
Prometheus Shrugged
by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)
Radical Media - by Maajid Nawaz
by Maajid Nawaz
Rational Ground by Justin Hart
by Rational Ground
RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo
by Michael Capuzzo
Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti
by Ashmedai
Rounding the Earth Newsletter
by Mathew Crawford
Sally’s Newsletter
by Sally Gould
Seymour Hersh
by Seymour Hersh
Substack Reads
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Teresa Tannahill’s Commentary
by Teresa Tannahill
Tessa Fights Robots
by Tessa Lena
TFM Report’s Substack
by TFM Report
TheyLied Substack
by TheyLied
Unacceptable Jessica
by Jessica Rose
by Adam Gaertner
Who is Robert Malone
by Robert W Malone MD, MS
Wood House 76
by Jessica Hockett
☕️ Coffee & Covid 2024 🦠
by Jeff Childers