
’s words reminded me of something someone once told me about prayer: That the seeds cast in prayer today are often harvested 10, even 20 years into the future.

I see prayer a little more expansively these days — that prayer is more the culmination of my choices to be truthful and loving that are sewn in directions and ways I can’t even fathom, rather than petitions to a specific deity.

With that lens I read this interview and began noticing the big echoes of Elizabeth’s life that are softly showing up in my friend group as we are on the cusp of our 40s.

So I guess I’m here to say read this interview and also: thanks for the life seed prayers, Liz.

This is 54: Author Elizabeth Gilbert Responds to The Oldster Magazine Questionnaire
"I bought some clippers and took off all my hair, and I stopped messing with my face...I look more like myself than I have ever looked. Because when I look in the mirror, I see someone who is FREE."