The app for independent voices

Growing up in Christian Nationalism, I was not allowed to take birth control pills for my heart-attack-pain-level cramps because my mother believed hormonal birth control caused abortions.

Instead, I suffered unspeakable pain practically every month. I fainted. I vomited. Once, I wrapped a clothes iron in a towel and burned my stomach because I was delirious with pain and we didn’t have a heating pad.

And how was my pain received? I was attention-seeking. A drama queen. I was exaggerating my symptoms. It was my calling to suffer every month for Eve’s original sin. I was ridiculous and hysterical and needed to shut up and endure it.

This is the life Christo-fascist Republicans want to force on every American with a uterus. 10 out of 10 DO NOT RECOMMEND.

Apr 5
2:45 PM